Several good one’s today, starting with this story:
Intelligence agents have arrested four Islamic militants and foiled a bid by them to carry out a suicide attack on a mosque in eastern Pakistan, a security official said on Saturday.
and then this one:
Three mosques of the minority Ahmadiya community were bombed by unidentified persons in the north-eastern Brahmanbaria district of Bangladesh, an hour before Fazr (morning) prayers on Friday.
According to reports, a series of bombs exploded at Kandipara village mosque where Ahmadiyas offer their prayers. The splinters hit Ayesha Begum (45) and Bashir Ahmed (25), who were sleeping in their houses nearby.
Where’s the outrage? Where are the Muslims decrying these dastardly deeds? Where’s the American MSM splashing these religions desecrations on their front pages? Oh, that’s right, the evil Bushlerites weren’t involved. Can’t talk bad about Muslim’s, eh American Media?
However, this is about fargin’ time:
Leaders from the Lodi Muslim Mosque plan to participate in a march in Lodi to voice their opposition to terrorism, mosque President Mohammad Shoaib said.
A date hasn’t been set, but the march will be in late July, Shoaib said.