That’s right, our new and busted friend, sudden climate change (via Tom Nelson)
With high Andean peaks and a humid tropical forest, Bolivia is a country of ecological extremes. But during the Southern Hemisphere’s recent winter, unusually low temperatures in part of the country’s tropical region hit freshwater species hard, killing an estimated 6 million fish and thousands of alligators, turtles and river dolphins.
Scientists who have visited the affected rivers say the event is the biggest ecological disaster Bolivia has known, and, as an example of a sudden climatic change wreaking havoc on wildlife, it is unprecedented in recorded history.
With such extreme climatic events potentially becoming more common due to climate change, scientists are hurrying to coordinate research into the impact, and how quickly the ecosystem is likely to recover.
There are “about 1,000 dead fish for every 100 metres of river”, at least 550 dead penguins, thousands of cattle, and, oh, yeah, the article finally gets around to mentioning that hundreds of people have died, too. All because of sudden climate change, which is one of the latest unhinged and un-scientific talking points from the climate creationists, who somehow believe that The Day After Tomorrow is real science, and that Mankind’s output of CO2, a greenhouse gas, will cause cold weather.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU
“…at least 550 dead penguins, thousands of cattle…”
I still have not had anyone explain to me how 4degC ( or 39deg F) can kill penguins and cattle? Or so many riverine species?
Don’t penguins love the cold? Aren’t cattle capable of handling cold weather? I know USA cows can easily handle temps down to 0F. And they can handle temps up to and over 100F.
This makes no sense to me.
And, it can’t be global warming (cooling?) when there was an even colder cold-snap back in 1955.
Ahh yes Teach’s long promised Global Cooling and what percentage of the Earth’s surface was affected ? Does this mean that you agin believe that the Earth is NOT warming ?
Good question about the penguins, CF. Maybe they are liberal penguins, and can’t take any climate changes.
Oh, Lord, John, give it a rest.