It’s not the first time the Washington Post has allowed this apparent hardcore Islamist use of their op-ed page. Previously, he whined about being banned in the USA. Perhaps there is a reason, though, of course, the ACLU and other dhimmi’s took up his cause, and the Obama State Dept. revoked his banning. Here is the title on the main opinions page
Got that? It’s not because you are a hater of people who stone women, whip women, hang gays, want to exterminate Jews and Israel, among others, and, oh, yeah, let’s not forget fly hijack planes into buildings to kill civilians. No, it’s because you are just too stupid to understand Islam
Just a short time ago, Europe seemed to be the part of the West where fears of Islam were most evident, with its bitter controversies over headscarf bans or the construction of mosques in France, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Yet in recent weeks, America’s relationship with Islam appears to have changed. The battle over a planned Islamic community center near Ground Zero in New York and the proposed burning of the Koran by a Florida pastor have revealed similar worries, and journalists and intellectuals (including, ironically, European ones) have been quick to describe the rise of Islamophobia in America.
Interestingly, those worries about Islamists in Europe have been accompanied by riots and murders in Europe, all by ……. yes, Muslims! And let’s not forget the threats of murder in Europe by……Islamists. Furthermore, it is interesting that Jones’ threat to burn the Koran brought about massive violence by Muslims worldwide, who figured they had a license to mayhem just at the thought of burning a Koran. Which nutty Jones never actually did.
Polls show that nearly half of Americans have unfavorable views of Islam, and the fear of this faith in America is undeniable. But is it as simple as xenophobia and racism? I do not believe so. Natural and understandable concerns can be transformed into active rejection and open racism when political discourse and media coverage fan the flames for ideological, religious or economic interests. That is what is happening in America today.
Again, most of the hate and violence around the world came from Islamists. Sure, there were a few anti-Muslim and GZ mosque folks who decided they would go too far, but, really, there is quite a bit of difference between burning a Koran or ripping a few pages out and rioting, torching buildings, and chanting death to America, I’d reckon.
The great majority of Americans do not know much about Islam but nonetheless fear it as violent, expansionist and alien to their society. The problem to overcome is not hatred, but ignorance. The challenge for Muslims in America is to respect the fears of ordinary people while resisting the exploitation of those fears by political parties, lobbies and sectors of the media. To meet this challenge, Muslims must reassess their own involvement, behavior and contributions in American society.
See? You’re stupid. If only you truly knew about Islam, you’d submit. Which, of course, is what Islam means. Submission to Allah. Submission to Sharia law. To women being second class citizens, whipped for being seen in public with a man other than their father or husband. To being married off as a young teen. To killing the unbeliever. To…..well, actually, you know what Islam stands for. And when we call the hardcores “extremists,” really, they aren’t. The ones we call moderates are actually the extremists, for failing to follow the full word of Mohammed.
Negative perceptions of Islam are hardly new in the West — they date back to the medieval age, not to Sept. 11, 2001. In the late 20th century, they were overtly revealed through crises such as the Iranian revolution and the Salman Rushdie affair, which suggested that Islam threatened Western security interests as well as core values such as freedom of expression. More recently, the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (as well as in Bali, Madrid and London) as well as the Danish cartoon fiasco only appeared to confirm to many in the West that Islam is an enemy, forever estranged from them. The wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict feed the same fears.
Apparently, we have nothing to fear from Islamists, despite the attacks by Muslims in the name of Allah. Perhaps, instead of calling people in the West rubes, Ramadan could work towards stopping the reason people fear Islam when he speaks to Muslims
When speaking to Western audiences, Ramadan preaches an amicable message of unity and mutual respect. But to Arabic-speaking audiences, he vents his deep-seated hatred of the West and his endorsement of Wahhabism, the most extreme form of Islam. Moreover, Ramadan has numerous connections to fundamentalist Islamic militants and is suspected by U.S. intelligence agencies of maintaining ties with the terrorist group al Qaeda.
Oh. Interesting. And who could forget this
Ramadan characterized the 9/11 attacks, the October 2002 Bali nightclub attack, and the March 2004 Madrid train bombings as “interventions†rather than acts of terrorism.
And there is much more that paints Ramadan as part of the problem that makes people fearful and distrustful of Islam. But, hey, thanks for giving this hardcore the benefit of preaching to the USA, calling us ignorant, on the Sunday editorial page, Washington Post. This is what is called “dhimmitude.”
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Re-Change 2010!

‘lil LIAR’s moral equvialence Whine in 3… 2….. 1 3/4………
The problem has Never been ignorance. Anyone who has ever read history- Or the koran, as I have- knows very well what islam is all about.
IF they have an open mind where human nature is concerned.
Heck, we just have to read the news from around the world to see what Islam is about. All the violence, the threats, and so on. If most Muslims are supposed to peaceful, then why do most never stand up against the outrages and “extremism”? Of course, the fact that the “extremists” threaten to harm those who protest doesn’t help.
“Natural and understandable concerns can be transformed into active rejection and open racism when political discourse and media coverage fan the flames for ideological, religious or economic interests.”
OMG, what dimension does this dude live in? THe media spewing anti-muslim rhetoric?? It’s completely 540degrees off.
The reason many of us are pissed, not ignorant, is that the media are submissive to the evils and advancing threat of Islam while viciously attacking Christianity.
And as an added by-line, they attack democracy. Christianity is about the law ruled by the people. The people have the power, the freedoms, the liberties to make their own choices. The elite and the media hate those “quaint” notions.
Yet, they push upon us a positive view of tyranny. Tyranny is the form of government loved by dictators and Islam the world over. Yet, our media is pro-tyranny and anti-democracy.
Quote:But to Arabic-speaking audiences, he vents his deep-seated hatred of the West and his endorsement of Wahhabism, the most extreme form of Islam. Moreover, Ramadan has numerous connections to fundamentalist Islamic militants and is suspected by U.S. intelligence agencies of maintaining ties with the terrorist group al Qaeda.”
Thus the reason for his banning from our country. HE calls us bigoted and ignorant…. for knowing his true nature? For knowing the true nature of Islam?
How can we be ignorant when they themselves tell us what they are about and what they would LOVE TO DO!! … for the sake of their religion.
If you look around the world, you will find that any country that is predominate Muslim is a religous tyranny. In the other countries, where Islam is a minority, it is in constant conflict with the government and the majority of the people. Individually the people seem nice and well behaved with little inclination to push their religion (expecially compared to some Christian groups). But as a group, they are clearly militant and have no problem with death of innocents in the name of their religion.
I have an idea for this Imam in New York. Instead of making a center catering only to Islam, make a center with a purpose of religous harmony. A place that was dedicated to finding a way for all religions to exist together in peace. This could be sponsored by the Muslims and would have a most definite place at ground zero. I would be willing to bet the the Imam would not go for the idea.
I think that the problem was, people were rightly upset initially about the building of the “cultural center” so close to Ground Zero, yet, Rauf had a chance to turn that around, if he truly was interested in “building bridges” and harmony and all. But, he refused to condemn Hamas, and all his statements in support of Sharia and about America being to blame for 9/11 came out. He never tried to say “I was wrong” or something, he just kept digging a hole, and his motives are now questionable. He says he would take money from Iran and other hard cores to build it. And, of course, if he really wanted huggy kissy, he would have changed where the mosque would be built.
Let’s say they build a Muslim prayer room in the new tower (once it is finished in perhaps 20 years (looks like I don’t have a grrrrrr! type emoticon)): no worries, there won’t be hardcores in it. I would have no problem with it. But this Cordoba House is looking to be more and more like a victory dance, and liberals are bending over backwards to appease them.
William this is the post that I’ve had problems posting over at RWN. If you have a chance, please let me know either here or over at John’s site.
That is an excellent comment, gfchicago, make some excellent points. I have no idea why Disqus whacked it. I’ve perused Disqus, and it doesn’t really say why something would get moderated. There’s no bad words, no links (if someone posts a bunch of links, comment often gets put in spam or moderation cues.)
You mean, a center like the formerly named YMCA??
They could still call it the YMCA now, but would instead be titled “Young Muslims Center for Activism”. Thus noting its leftists ideals and leftist-directed ideals.
Young Muslims for Cultural Activism?
I fear most of what is happening in all of those categories are already showing its ugly head here. We have had beheadings. We have had Sharia Law accepted (granted it was overturned later). We have threats of mass violence world wide if a mosque is not built on the area known as Ground Zero.
We are there. What matters is how we respond. Will we become Egypt or Jordan where Christians are routinely kidnapped, murdered, harassed, run out of town?
[…] Washington Post Allows Muslim Professor To Call People Concerned … […]
[…] Interestingly, those worries about Islamists in Europe have been accompanied by riots and murders in Europe, all by ……. yes, Muslims! And let’s not forget the threats of murder in Europe by……Islamists. Furthermore, it is interesting that Jones’ threat to burn the Koran brought about massive violence by Muslims worldwide, who figured they had a license to mayhem just at the thought of burning a Koran.… […]
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