Looks like Dan “Trust Me” Rather and the CallussBullShat network have attracted the eye of Congress, who are calling for an investigation. And well they should. Freedom of the Press is all fine and good, but, I don’t believe that lies are part of that Freedom. It was fantastic that the Blogosphere caught this, and got the story out into the mainstream, where Big Media is acting like Blue Sharks around a dying whale. The only folks who are backing CBS are the Lefties, who do not care whether or not CBS is involved in fraudulent activities, no explanation needed.
“Given the shortness of time between now and the election which the apparent fraud is meant to influence, and the even shorter time before Congress is scheduled to adjourn, I strongly urge that the subcommittee move with all deliberate speed to uncover the facts,” Cox said.
Majority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Missouri, is collecting signatures on a letter to CBS News President Andrew Heyward asking the network to retract the story and “to disclose the identities of the people who have used your network to deceive your viewers in the final weeks of a presidential election.”
Damm Right!
Lucy Dalglish, executive director of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, said the investigation is without merit.
“I think that’s absolutely ludicrous,” she said. “If these documents are forgeries, it’s in CBS’ best interest to stay on top of the story, report it — if they have been duped. The idea of a congressional investigation is just ridiculous. … Obviously, this is just political spin.”
No Ma’am, what CBS did was political spin, and the worst kind there is. Rather and CBS used their position to foist complete BS on the American People, in an attempt to sway the voting public. CBS is not going to admit their mistake anytime soon, and will obstruct any attempt to find out who gave them those papers.