Remember when Democrats pretended to run as Conservatives during the 2006 election? Now we have Joe Manchin, who is acting like a TEA Partier
Democratic Senate candidate Joe Manchin isn’t letting that kerfuffle over Sarah Palin’s political crosshairs deter his 2nd-Amendment enthusiasm.
In a new ad, the West Virginia Governor touts his NRA endorsement, and promises to “take on Washington and the administration, and get the federal government off our backs†while brandishing a rifle on an outdoor gun range. He also promises to “repeal the bad parts of Obamacare†and “take dead aim at Cap and Trade†before putting a bullet through the title page of that bill.
Let’s watch
The NY Times is not amused.
Meanwhile, a new peer reviewed study states that greenhouse gases only cause 35% of global warming. And the study does not make the claim that all the CO2 is from Mankind.
Both poles have record high ice extents. And to switch gears, women are not particularly enthused by Obama’s era of Hopey Changey. By majorities, they find ObamaCare, the Stimulus, and the the auto bailout as #FAIL.

Dems can make all the claims that they want, but we witnessed what happens when Pelosi tells them what to do. The bend over and say do again mam. Anyone that would elect a Dem to congress is nuts. They will not stand by there promises.