Yet another case to add to the file which shows that a good chunk of the environmental and globull warming movements are about something other, namely, control of your lives. After some strange quote from Jonathan Swift about cooking children, due to the famines during the 18th and 19th centuries….wait, weren’t they caused by a colder climate?????, we get
Three hundred years later a UN report has suggested that limiting the amount of meat we eat is the most important way that we can increase global food security (and reduce carbon emissions).
Obviously, the solution is….government regulation (we’ll get to that in a moment)
Clearly, if we carry on eating meat at the current rate we will be responsible for starvation in less well-off parts of the world. That is not something I want on my conscience.
So, because he doesn’t want it on HIS conscience, well
The authors of the UN report have called for government intervention to increase the price of meat in the West and thus reduce consumption. It’s an outrageous intrusion of the nanny state, but can you think of a better solution? Because, as I simultaneously finish this piece and my plate of fried mushrooms and black pudding, I certainly can’t.
So, because Henry Dimbley feels bad, government has to step in and f*** everyone else. Why don’t you mind your own business, and just make your patrons suffer without meat…..what’s that? They serve meat at your restaurants*? There’s bacon, beef, lamb, pork, chicken. Lot’s of dishes with those ingredients. So, once again, one of the Disciples of Gore is telling everyone else they have to change their behavior, this time by government fiat, yet, he refuses to Do Something in his own life. Tell you what, Henry: why not remove all meat from your chain of restaurants, see how that goes. What? That would bankrupt you? No one would come? Hmmm. Then piss off and mind your own damned business.
*I had to use a cached version, as the website for Leon Restaurants is down.

They can pry the fried pork chop and T-bone steak out of my cold dead fingers. I like my meat and taters.
Resistance is useless! You will comply!
[…] You Eat Too Much Meat, And Only Big Nanny State Can Stop You Yet another case to add to the file which shows that a good chunk of the environmental and globull warming movements are about something other, namely, control of your lives. […]