Where Is The Pirate’s Cove Hidden?

Might it finally be time to reveal where the secret port of the Pirate’s Cove resides? Sure, what the hell.

On the Commissar’s map, if you look down at the Adriatic Sea, right off the coast of Diktatia, you will see an island just to the right of longitude 16. Bamm! Perfect place to interdict shipping headed for the Kossacks and Leftie’s.

Generally, we deprive them of Prozac, Valium, and Zoloft, among other things, while allowing Mescaline, PCP, and LSD through. Also, there is a heavy trafficing in bats and Loons, which we allow through. While they have intrinsic value to the Kossacks and Lefties, they have little true monetary value.

(via basil’s blog)

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6 Responses to “Where Is The Pirate’s Cove Hidden?”

  1. JulieB says:

    No wonder they’re all crazy you stole the drugs!
    Must be why this moonbat resides happily in her N. Calif. cave… no long distance traveling anymore.

  2. Um, you do not count as a moonbat. You are literate and not hysterical. You can debate on facts. We may not agree on many social issues, but their is room for legitimate discussion, possibly even compromise.

    Besides, going overboard in this post is a way to make it on to the map :)

  3. You are on the map. Just as asked. :)

  4. Dingle says:

    I support baby Georgie.
    Merry christmassacredholiday

    illiturate hysterileca

  5. PCP, the Left’s champagne.

    On behalf of my wife Maria, la Famiglia Goomba, the boys down at the cheese store and the entire Goomba organization, Merry Christmas to you.

    Another blogging year has passed and this electronic communications thing still continues to amaze me. Let’s make 2006 another powerful year for bloggers with opinions to share. And in this season, as we celebrate the nativity of Jesus Christ, let us also celebrate each other.

    Nickie Goomba

  6. And a large Merry Christmas to y’all, as well!

Pirate's Cove