Good thing our elected officials have their priorities straight
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) took to the House floor Tuesday night to criticize what she called a “demeaning” Pepsi ad that aired during the Super Bowl.
She’s worried about a Pepsi commercial while our federal deficit and debt skyrocket, jobs are still stagnating, costs are rising, and states are drowning in debt.
In the ad for Pepsi Max, a black woman sitting on a park bench gets angry with her husband after an attractive, white female jogger sits down next to the couple and smiles and waves at the man.
After the man smiles back, his girlfriend or wife gets angry and whips her Pepsi Max can at him. The man ducks, and the can hits the attractive jogger in the head. The ad is titled “Love hurts.”
“In this month of African-American history where we’re trying to celebrate what is good and great, it certainly seems ridiculous that Pepsi would utilize this kind of humor,” she said. “It was not humorous. It was demeaning — an African-American woman throwing something at an African-American male and winding up hitting a Caucasian woman.”
Say, I wonder if Sheila, who says she is a big supporter of women’s rights, kinda noticed that the woman was hit in the head with a can of soda, knocking her to the ground? You know, assault? I agree, the commercial is not funny. But, of course, Sheila had to go down the racism road.
Video below the fold

Why, she should be angry because this commercial promotes black on white violence.
Oh, dammit, I forgot, that is a GOOD thing to Jackson Lee.
Minority set aside district.questions?
Lee is Nucking Futs !!! Who elects these clowns
I wonder how she would have felt if it had been a caucasian couple, and the can hit an attractive white female. So sick of the double standard – get over it.
no, she is mad that the Pepsi people had originally had the commercial created around a white couple and a black woman being nailed by the flying soda can. That is why she is mad. The fact that that version of the commercial was never made is no reason to not get mad. The fact that the possibility of that version of the commercial is only plausible in her head is no reason to not get mad.
I in fact laughed at the commercial. It was funny.
Unfortunately the fact that Sheila Jackson Lee is a member of any government is no laughing matter.
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The commercial was an insult to the intelligence. For the first half, I kept thinking “can’t Pepsi do a commercial without someone getting hit with something? After all, when I think ‘Pepsi,’ I think ‘violence.'”
That being said, Jackson is an insult to the intelligence as well. There are just some people who after one reads a comment from them or listens to them speak that you wonder if you are in some sort of parallel universe where idiots elect and serve in the government.
My Congressperson Is Renee Ellmers, however those who vote for Sheila Jackson Lee are indeed “in some sort of parallel universe where idiots elect and serve in the government.”
There are many of these “parallel universes” distributed across this country if you are fortunate enough to live in you have my sincere sympathies.
Super Bowl Pepsi Max Commercial Showing Woman Abusing Man
The issue is not race. This commercial was highly offensive to the male victims of domestic violence who find themselves unable to find help as people think it is funny. Seventeen years ago, the Super Bowl also played another controversial commercial, based on report that never existed, yet was reported as fact by the national news, that more domestic violence against women took place on Super Bowl Night than any other night of the year. Men are the victims of domestic violence in at least 39% of the cases, yet shelters are designed to only help women. Consider the uproar this would have generated had had the gender roles been reversed. Note that the creator of the as lives near me.
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women
I find it HARD to believe Jackson Lee was pissed because of man abuse. That is hinky.
She was pissed off because SHE hadn’t been on the TV for couple weeks.