OK, I’m a bit late to the party, been a busy busy day, but, I heard this on the Schnitt show, and made me LOL (would have be ROTFLOL, but, that would have been dangerous while driving): Where are the Dems? Wisconsin Lawmakers Hiding in Place They Hope Is ‘Hard for Them to Find’
The top Senate Democrat in Wisconsin said today that he and the other state lawmakers who participated in a mass exodus to avoid a contentious Senate vote on slashing union rights “hope we are in a place that is hard for them to find.”
“I am calling on Senate Democrats to show up to work today, debate legislation and cast their vote,” (Wisconsin Gov. Scott) Walker said. “Their actions by leaving the state and hiding from voting are disrespectful to the hundreds of thousands of public employees who showed up to work today and the millions of taxpayers they represent.”
The 14 lawmakers left to force a postponement of a Senate vote that threatened to curb unions and public worker pensions. Without their votes, the 33-member chamber with a 19-14 Republican majority was left one person short of the 20 members required for the Senate to open business.
There’s the modern DemocRat Part, folks: they lost the elections badly, the people of Wisconsin want the spending and unions (why in the heck does a government worker need a union? In Liberal World, government is awesome, and is benign and takes care of people….oh, right, fleecing their shareholders, otherwise known as the People) reigned in, they voted for that, and now the Dems act like 5 year olds hiding from mommy because she wouldn’t let them have a cookie before dinner.
Gov. Walker has sent law enforcement out to find them. Hot Air points out the illiteracy of Wisconsin teachers. Michelle Malkin has a teacher speaking (funny stuff). Ann Althouse wonders why these supposed environmental loving liberals left the State House grounds a complete mess. And lots more at Memeorandum.
More: Gateway Pundit is reporting that they have been found hiding like naughty 4 year olds in Rockford, Illinois.

This sure is a farce and also the start of things to come.
I’ve been reading Gateway Pundit, and he had some good news.
Yeah, the Tea Party Tracked them down and ran them out of dodge…hee hee! http://gatewaypundit.rightnetwork.com/2011/02/breaking-wisconsin-dems-hiding-at-best-western-clocktower-in-rockford-il/#comment-264826
Also, surprise, surprise, barry’s organizing for America is behind this, plus the dnc.
Have a relaxing night, William. I’m going to watch the final mayoral debate in a few. Maybe Carol Mostly Clown will call Rahm a crackhead, or something.
Thanks for the tip, Bunni. The Dems really are juvenile, aren’t they? Enjoy your night.
In the musical “1776,” the delegates are voting on a motion whether to discuss independence. Rhode Island’s delegate Stephen Hopkins is out in the “necessary” when the vote comes up. He is still in the “necessary” when the vote is tied and therefore he will cast the deciding vote. He returns to the hall and is asked to vote. They tell him what he is voting on and he responds: Well, in all my years I ain’t never heard, seen nor smelled an issue that was so dangerous it couldn’t be talked about. Hell yeah! I’m for debating anything. Rhode Island says yea!
I have always agreed with that sentiment.
If your position is strong enough and persuasive enough, you want to talk about it. If your position is weak, you don’t want to talk about it, you want to silence it, or you want to run away from the topic.
To be fair, I think I remember a couple of Republicans doing something similar once, but I could be wrong.
It doesn’t matter who runs away and hides. Those who engage in this type of childish behavior are gutless cowards who are deliberately abrogating their responsibilities as elected representatives of the people.
They deserve whatever scorn and ridicule that is heaped upon their heads.
Ah, hope and change! See what happens when there is real leadership setting the example in the White House? (Stop laughing!)
[…] Wisconsin Dems Take The Waaaaa-mbulance To Secret Location There’s the modern DemocRat Part, folks: they lost the elections badly, the people of Wisconsin want the spending and unions (why in the heck does a government worker need a union? In Liberal World, government is awesome, and is benign and takes care of people….oh, right, fleecing their shareholders, otherwise known as the People) reigned in, they voted for that, and now the Dems act like 5 year olds hiding from mommy because she wouldn’t let them have a cookie before dinner. […]
I was in Wyoming for a couple weeks working on some engineering stuff. At the motel at night I would watch some TV and I kept seeing these advertisements for the Wyoming Teachers Union and how great the schools were in Wyoming.
Upon closer examination the ads were run by the national teachers union because the state legislature is taking up the issue of firing teachers who do not perform….or if you dont cut it as a teacher your outta here without being protected by the union for 3 years on administrative leave WITH PAY.
Unions are under huge pressure and they should be. They have allowed themselves to lose sight of their goal of providing good, decent and honorable working conditions for their supporters and have moved to the GRAB EVERYTHING YOU CAN WHILE YOU CAN….mentality.
Originally powerful and needed, legislation and regulation that they championed has turned American working conditions into the best in the world while also rendering America almost uncompetitive because of going beyond to the massive benefits packages that they now demand to keep themselves relevant.
UNIONS are like OUR GOVERNMENT…they just do shit each year to keep themselves relevant….and that relevancy usually encompasses spending OTHER PEOPLES MONEY.
Because they can!
Got that right, GT. It should be very amusing when the Wisconsin GOP uses this against the Dems come 2012.
It’s great that Obama has to stand up for the unions, instead of the people, eh, Proof? He’s showing his true “leadership” and priorities. I hope Walker tells him to butt out and mind his own business.
Excellent points, Doomed. Unions are not necessarily a bad thing, when they do what they were created to do, ie, protecting workers from real problems. So many lost sight of that, and are now not only self serving and out of control, but even more tyrannical than the people they are supposed to be protecting the workers from.
Are you guys retarded or something? The only thing Democrats are “running away from” is the Republicans trying to take away the rights of Americans. That’s a whole different story than running away from the truth of your true intentions like the Republicans are doing. They are trying to take away the only support people living in poverty have because they don’t give a crap if we die or go into serious debt. They also want taxpayers to pay the medical bills of anyone who does not have insurance and taking away Medicaid and Badger care will only make things worse. Without these programs, I would be nearly $100,000 in debt. And guess who paid my medical bill? That’s right, YOU DID. I’m not proud of that or anything, that’s just what happens when we are the ONLY high-income nation that doesn’t have universal health care. We pay twice as much for our health care system as other high-income nations who DO have it. That’s why we need this health care reform, but nooooo, Republicans don’t want it because it means they can’t rip people off anymore with the corrupt insurance companies. There is no difference between government mandated auto insurance and government mandated health insurance so why aren’t you trying to repeal that bill? You guys complain about how many people are living off of the government when it’s your OWN DAMN FAULT that there are this many people living off of it. If Bush hadn’t gotten us into this mess and then refused to admit that it was HIS fault like a true coward does, than there WOULDN’T be this many people living off of the government. I also know for a fact that some people have no choice but to live off of the government for the rest of their lives because I am surrounded by people who do. How is it their fault that the government says, “Do as your Guardian(s) say(s) or you will end up in adult foster care”? What if their parents say they can’t go to college? What if they say you can’t make something out of yourself? Then what are you supposed to do? Just fall of of the face of the earth? No, because the constitution clearly states that every one has the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” So who’s REALLY violating the constitution? That’s right, you are. Last but not least, if the unions were so corrupt, they wouldn’t be fighting for everyone’s constitutional rights like they are now. They are the same as they ever were. That’s what true leadership looks like.