He’s not playing around
Walker said Tuesday morning the state could send out layoff notices to state workers as soon as next week if the budget standoff is not resolved.
Speaking at the WISC-TV (Channel 3) studios, the Republican governor said he would have to send out the notices next week to start seeking savings for the state budget if his repair bill is not passed. Walker said workers would not be laid off immediately and a spokesman later confirmed that.
“There’s a whole process we’ve got to do,” Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie said.
So, union peeps and Democrat weasels, you have a choice: end collective bargaining for everything but pay, and contribute to your own retirement and health insurance, or, get laid off. And then the Wisconsin legislature will still pass the legislation, and perhaps someone else who is willing to do the job will get hired in your place.

Time after time after time…forever and always the union votes for layoffs rather then concessions.
They have to or else they end up giving concession after concession.
Its like never negotiating with terrorists. There are some things you just dont do and negotiating away your right to bargain is one of them…
Not defending them….just saying…..
Oh, definitely, I know what you’re saying. At some point, though, they have to realize that they have more in common with the mafia rather than what unions were created for
LAY EM OFF!!!!! And then file the bill later.