SEIU has apparently forgotten all about being civil
There are not many American rock and roll bands that stand in solidarity with the union movement as much as the Dropkick Murphys. So it is no surprise that the band has released an advanced stream of a new song “Take ‘Em Down” in support of the thousands of Wisconsin union workers protesting the draconian budget plan put forth by the state’s governor.
That’s kinda violent rhetoric, isn’t it?
Hmm, kinda …… commie like, isn’t it?

One of my favorite union stories has to do with WWII. When the Japs were bearing down on Midway, a ship was sent to the island with much needed ammunition and supplies. When it arrived, the union people on the ship found that union people were not available to off load the material and called a strike. They were not going to allow the marines to have the material!! Subsequently the marines convienced the ship people to cooperate.
I hope the Marines gave those folks nice swimming lessons
I worked for a toy maker and we used to exhibit out new stuff yearly at the NY Toy Fair at the Javits Cntr. Every form I had to fill out was strew with union deals, and when I drove the 24′ truck up to the loading docks, I had to deal with teamsters and stevadores who were not pleased with us, then when we wanted to set up our booth we had to deal with the electricians union, the plumbers and about three others- no one wanted to let us do our own work! I coulda used a few good marines back then! Thanks David- I will use this story a lot!