Apparently, There’s No Such Thing As Natural Weather Anymore

Another day, another bit of raving, anti-science discourse and scaremongering by a climate alarmist. Let’s start out with

Heat waves, droughts, blizzards and the the rest of the year’s U.S. record-breaking extreme weather, likely enjoyed a boost from global warming, suggests a climate report.

Well, there’s a truly scientific word “suggests.” Can they put an actual hard value on that notion? I guess not.

In 1950, U.S. record breaking hot weather days were as likely as cold ones. By 2000, they were twice as likely, and in 2011 they are three times more likely, so far. By the end of the century they will be 50 times more likely, Meehl says.

How about, instead, telling us what the next few years will do?

Rather than totally triggering any extreme event, global warming just makes it worse, says meteorologist Jeff Masters of Weather Underground, a report reviewer. “A warmer atmosphere has more energy,” he says, contributing to heat waves, tornadoes and other extremes. Even heavy blizzards come from an atmosphere packed with extra moisture by global warming he adds. “Years like 2011 may be the new normal.”

I “suggest” that the next inter-glaciation will be caused by globull warming. Now you have to prove me wrong. But, you can’t because I’ve set up conditions that make it impossible. Now, give me a $4 million grant.

Anyhow, here we go

There’s really no such thing as natural weather anymore,” says climate scientist Donald Wuebbles of the University of Illinois, who was not involved with the report, but said he largely agreed with its conclusions. “Anything that takes place today in the weather system has been affected by the changes we’ve made to the climate system. That’s just the background situation and it’s good for people to know that,” Wuebbles says. Although scientists cannot immediately tie what percentage of an extreme weather event relies on global warming to make it more severe, he says. “It’s always a factor in today’s world.”

So, if the wind blows, it’s because someone in Durban drove a fossil fueled vehicle on the way to the IPCC conference.

Steven Goddard points out that 100 years ago, they blamed it on wireless communications. And, hey, didn’t they used to blame any change in the weather on witches? Me, I blame zombies. As they decay, they release lots of methane.

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5 Responses to “Apparently, There’s No Such Thing As Natural Weather Anymore”

  1. david7134 says:

    Here in Louisiana we are suffering. Minimal rain since May. Most days over 100. In Texas, fires, cows dying and they can’t produce hay, I-20 has a constant convoy of hay going to Texas (don’t hear of any of this do you, yet one hurricaine in New England). So I guess this is all global warming, except that it happened in 1930 as well.

  2. mojo says:

    “Current conditions are predicated on previous conditions.”

    Nothing new there. By Debbie’s definition, there hasn’t been “natural” weather since the age of the dinosaurs.

    Those scaly deniers…

    Honestly – do these folks even hear themselves?

  3. captainfish says:

    So, this is the new butterfly effect, based upon CO2?

    “Years like 2011 may be the new normal.”

    yeah, and in what way? In what way is 2011 an extreme year? You talking about the extreme blizzards and snowfall, and the extended cool spells in western US? Or the fact that no hurricanes have yet to hit the US since 2005??!?!

    Didn’t they also 50 years ago blame everything upon the nuclear bomb testing?!?

    man, i loved those movies……

  4. TimothyJ says:

    personally, I think it is all that Bull Cr@p that gets produced by the ‘warmists.’

  5. […] Pirate’s Cove: Apparently, There’s No Such Thing As Natural Weather Anymore   […]

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