A virtual potpourri of fun stuff from the Occutards. I couldn’t determine which to focus on, so, here are all three, starting with the Occupier who said she miscarried and sent the Left into apoplexy, despite the fact that there was no proof, and she was arrested for breaking and entering. Yeah, about that
A woman who told police she was three months pregnant after she was pepper sprayed at an Occupy Seattle march this month, told police she was three months pregnant in September when facing arrest.
Jennifer Fox, 19, said Monday that at three months pregnant, she had miscarried her child, a girl who she was planning to name “Miracle.”
When asked by KIRO FM about the police report, she denied remembering the incident. Then, Fox changed her story and said that the “police report must have been wrong,” because she told police she was one month pregnant at the time.
Fox’s former foster mother, Lark Stebbins, told the Seattle Times Fox is a “compulsive liar” and a “wannabe drama queen.”
Well, those descriptions would make her a perfect Occupier and Lefty. Just like these drama queens, via Gateway Pundit
The UC Davis students who were holding the illegal protest on campus last weekend were warned that they would be pepper sprayed by the campus police. Not only that… But you can see in the video below that the students AGREED in the video to be pepper sprayed.
For some reason this didn’t make it into any of the liberal media reports on the incident; just like the fact that the protesters were chanting “f*ck the police†never made it into any reports.
Jim Hoft links to a video of the incident from P/Oed Patriot. And then there are these wonderful D.C. Occupiers
Authorities on Tuesday were investigating complaints of sexual assault and theft at the site of the 2-month-old Occupy D.C. protest, which has largely dodged crime complaints that have plagued similar Occupy camps across the country.
According to the Occupy D.C. website, a person living in the camp accused another Monday night of sexual assault and theft. U.S. Park Police officers immediately removed the accused person from the Northwest park.
The D.C. Occupiers are wisely not taking the position of not reporting crimes to the police, as the other Occupations took. But, really, should we be surprised at all the above actions by these hyper-lefties? I’m not. This is the modern Left. It’s who they are. Perpetual 5 year old moral attitudes with the needs of adult bodies.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.