How To Surrender Preemptively

I’m sure this article from the Guardian will make its way through the Left-O-Sphere. Check the first paragraph:

May 7 2009 will surely go down in history alongside September 11 2001. “5/7”, as it inevitably became known, saw massive suicide bombings in Tel Aviv, London and New York, as well as simultaneous attacks on the remaining western troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Total casualties were estimated at around 10,000 dead and many more wounded. The attacks, which included the explosion of a so-called dirty bomb in London, were orchestrated by a Tehran-based organisation for “martyrdom-seeking operations” established in 2004. “5/7” was the Islamic Republic of Iran’s response to the bombing of its nuclear facilities, which President Hillary Clinton had ordered in March 2009.

The article shows that 1. Hate for America is not confined soley to George W. Bush, 2. the writer doesn’t like Hillary, either, and 3. We just need to surrender to the Islamofascist’s now, which has started to become the rallying cry for the Left already. Such pusillanimous talk is the norm for them.

You can see that, somehow, this whole mess with Iran is the fault of America and George W. Bush, according to the Left, with no responsibility laid at the feet of Iran and its President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Oh, and don’t forget those evil Israeli’s, who, depending on the time of day and talking points, are the root of all evil.

Of course, it isn’t the Israeli’s nor America that is talking, literally, about wiping another country off the face of the Earth.

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