Via the AP:
Millions of people around the world face death and devastation due to floods, famine, drought and violence caused by global warming, according to a report by a charity group.
A report to be released Monday by Christian Aid said 162 million people in sub-Saharan Africa alone could die of disease directly attributable to global warming by the end of the century.
No alarmism in that report.
The report is all over the place. Floods AND droughts. Apparently, global warning can mean anything now.
I guess it doesn’t matter to the global warming nuts that the Sahara is shrinking.
And now global warming will be responsible for violence. I wonder if global warming is responsible for the 800K Rwandans slaughtered in 100 days in 1994, when Clinton, the UN, and the EU looked away.

I can’t help but question the doomsayers who are standing there with their hands out. Give cash now or be damned to eternal hell, you heathens. Don’t you know we need to save the world!