This is the way it starts
(CBS Miami) Miami police shot and killed a man on the MacArthur Causeway Saturday afternoon, and police sources told CBS4 they had no choice: the naked man they shot was trying to chew the face off another naked man, and refused to obey police orders to stop his grisly meal.
I read a lot of zombie apocalypse books (hey, I love scifi and horror, and they tend to be about people surviving. Some are really good) and this is the way so many start. Just a simple even, which no one really pays attention to. Then someone else. A neighborhood. And pretty soon the world has ended. But, is it fantasy, or….
Probably Bush’s fault, I’m sure.
More: The Daley Gator has video. And is probably getting ready to barricade the home like I am.
My fine zombie advantaged friend. I will believe the zombie apocalypse has arrived when I see you post a frantic message on this blog that you had to relocate to an undisclosed location because you were frightened to death by Brett Kimberlin. And his orchestra. He threatened to get you bombed on zombies. See? Automatic celebrity, legal rescue funds and a sure fire mantra. Kimberlin is a convicted bomber, he might sue me, bomb me, rape me or get me fired. I have no evidence for any of this but Brett Kimberlin is a bad man, a liberal and he could bomb again. In fact, I have to relocate too. Boy, that Brett sure gets around don’t he? Just like a zombie.
People are going to get crazier and crazier. We might end up wishing they were zombies instead..
Not fer nuttin, but they are now saying the first recorded zombie attack took place in Miami last month. Another head muncher put down by the cops. They appear to be moving north. They say it’s all caused by designer drugs and/or LSD. But, why do they always go for the head area? Could it be Braaaains? If it shuffles like a zombie, eats people like a zombie and growls like a zombie? It’s a zombie. If the next ‘incident’ happens in Atlanta or Savannah, then what?