While Liberals are hyperventilating over an RNC attendee supposedly throwing nuts at a Black camerawoman and saying “this is how we feed the animals”, calling this racism (it may or may not have been. It could have been a jerk being a jerk to the very liberal media, or, yeah, could have been a racist), MSNBC decided to use their own “dog whistle”
(Red Alert Politics) MSNBC wants you to think the Republican Party hates minorities. So much so that the liberal news network cut minority speeches from it’s convention coverage.
If we use Democrat language, this wasn’t about MSNBC wanting to push the notion that there were no minorities speaking, it was out and out racism from MSNBC for intentionally wanting to keep minorities down. Heck, racism, Jim Crow, and anti-immigrant (legal immigrant) policies used to be part and parcel of the Democrat party platform. Until they can prove otherwise, MSNBC is to be considered a racist/bigoted organization.
When popular Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz, the GOP nominee for Senate, took the stage, MSNBC cut away from the Republican National Convention and the Hispanic Republican from Texas’ speech.
MSNBC stayed on commercial through former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis’ speech, as well. Davis, who recently became a Republican, is black.
Also missing were Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuno’s wife Luce’ Vela Fortuño, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval (Latino), and Mia Love (Black).
Will MSNBC skip Condi Rice’s speech tonight? Also Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuño and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez. Time will tell.
I heard many of the speeches that MSNBC “missed”, except for Mia Love. Unfortunately, I also missed Chris Christy’s. I did catch most of Ann Romney’s, and, while it was a little slow to start, it really took off and pumped the crowd up. Excellent speech.
Oh, and Jammie Wearing Fool finds some more Democrat racism.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

They were also actively saying that the real news story is the minor storm in NO and not the convention.
Funny how they’re not mentioning that Obama had a whole lot of campaign events yesterday and today, eh?
You are correct about the storm, somehow they manage to twist everything. ABC is saying that R’s don’t care about NOLA, again. But they aren’t mentioning O’s travels and speeches.
And as far as them ignoring the RNC people of color, it’s because of how racist the DNC is!!
The only Latina governor in U.S history is a Republican, Susan Martinez of New Mexico. The only Latino currently serving as a US governor is also a Republican, Nevada’s Brian Sandoval. (and we should include Gov. Luis Fortuño R-of Puerto Rico) There are two Indian-American governors, both Republican, Bobby Jindal in Louisiana and Nikki Haley in South Carolina.
The speeches were great. Esp Fortuno. He was great. Too bad the audience was sparse and not really listening. Mia had a great speech and her campaign video for congress is VERY EXCELLENT. She knows what it means to believe in America.
Christy’s speech was a bit weak compared to his normal ones. But it was good about what it means to be a person who gets things done and why relying on govt is stupid.
Ted Pawlenty: to Obama: “Most people fail at their first JOBS!”
I am actually surprised that they are not claiming the RNC isn’t racist for not nominating a black person for office. Granted to them, not one black person has run for R office since JC Watts. And they didn’t like him either.
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