Surprise! Race Card Played In North Carolina Governors Race

I’m sure you’re utterly surprised that the Democrat played it

(WRAL) Republican Pat McCrory blasted Democratic gubernatorial rival Walter Dalton on Thursday for releasing a video in which elected leaders and others accused the former Charlotte mayor of being insensitive to black residents on issues such as voter ID and education.

The video, released as part of an effort to bolster the lieutenant governor’s support among black elected officials and other activists, is the latest effort this week by Dalton and his allies attempting to raise questions about McCrory on race.

“Walter Dalton should be shameful for approving such an ad, and it shows desperation,” McCrory said in an interview with The Associated Press, adding that “it takes North Carolina politics to a new low.”

It used to be that playing the race card was the “last refuge of a scoundrel”. Nowadays, it’s on page 1 of the Democrat playbook.

While Democrats have said the photo ID would discourage older adults, minorities and the poor from voting, McCrory said it’s a reasonable requirement to validate someone’s identity before casting a ballot.

“Those same people approved legislation which requires ID to get Sudafed,” McCrory said, referring to a 2006 law requiring purchasers of pills containing pseudoephedrine and ephedrine to show a photo ID and sign a log.

I don’t remember anyone complaining that the law would adversely affect minorities and old people when it passed and went into effect.

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One Response to “Surprise! Race Card Played In North Carolina Governors Race”

  1. Gumball_Brains says:

    Surprised? Not in the least. THat is all these people have. Lies and cries of racism while lying and pushing racist policies and beliefs.

    However, with such weak responses by Repubs, the Socialists will continue to spew this rhetoric. Instead of responding to the words, it is time to attack their character.

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