FactCheck has been nice enought to provide us with the not 5, but 11 Bills of Kerry’s that have been passed into law. It’s nice and all, but 20 years, 11 Bills passed into law. Sure, as a huge Dodgers fan, I appreciate this:
H.R.1900 (S.300): Awarded a congressional gold medal to Jackie Robinson (posthumously), and called for a national day of recognition. (2003)
and, as an environmentalist and sea lover, this is good too:
S.1636: A save-the-dolphins measure aiming “to improve the program to reduce the incidental taking of marine mammals during the course of commercial fishing operations.†(1994)
The rest are nice gestures to people, but there is no substance. The man wants to be President of the United States. He has done less then squat in 20 years in the Senate. Are we to believe that he is suddenly going to become Mr. Pass a Law overnight? Please.