Green School Failure


(USA Today) Thompson Elementary ranked 205th out of 239 Houston schools in a report last year that showed each school’s energy cost per student. Walnut Bend Elementary ranked 155th. A third “green” school, built in 2010, ranked 46th in the report, which a local utility did for the district to find ways of cutting energy costs.

Poor equipment maintenance plagued the schools built in 2007, a problem that districtwide improvements are now addressing, said Gavin Dillingham, the district’s energy manager until August.

“People have the mistaken impression that once buildings are LEED-certified, they’re always going to run energy-efficiently,” Dillingham said. “They don’t.”

The problems in Houston illustrate the little-discussed uncertainty of “green schools,” which promise huge energy savings and rising student performance, but do not always deliver, despite their extra cost.

Not all “green” schools fail to promise what they deliver, however, their costs, such as in construction and maintenance, tend to exceed savings. I’m all for doing what’s right for the environment, but this gets absurd.

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14 Responses to “Green School Failure”

  1. […] MentionsTina Trent – How to Escape the Corryvreckan Whirlpool The Pirate’s Cove – Green School Failure Ask Marion – JTF: Romney Defeated Obama – If Not For Voter Fraud – But We Can Still Change […]

  2. john says:

    Teach the article you cited says that the added cost of building a Green school is 2 or 3% I think that should have been mentioned by you, care to update ?

  3. […] The Pirate’s Cove – Green School Failure […]

  4. Gumball_Brains says:

    Yeah Teach… you have to point out things to people who can’t read for themselves, or do their own research, or are even capable of asking pertinent questions. Shame on you Teach for not violating DMCA by posting the whole linked article.

    promise huge energy savings and rising student performance

    What the BLEEEP does green construction have to do with student “performance”????!?!?

  5. […] The Pirate’s Cove – Green School Failure […]

  6. Well, what with the “green” toilets being super smelly and the pipes blowing out from urine, kids spend more time on class. Or something.

  7. Gumball_Brains says:

    And sadly, having a school fall on top of your kid, or have the toilets exploding, is not an acceptable reason to have your child moved to another school or homeschooled.

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