Warmist Compares Ignoring Hotcoldwetdry To Manslaughter

Hey, remember when Warmists were saying they had to be more rational and less unhinged? Not working out too well

(The College Fix) A prominent UC Berkeley professor recently linked ignoring global warming with watching people die during a guest seminar at Ohio State University.

Citing monsoons and other extreme weather phenomenon on the other side of the globe, Kirk Smith, a global environmental health professor, said climate change is “a moral issue.”

Smith told an anecdote to the audience of a professor who ignores a drowning child on campus as he rushes to teach a class. He then tells his students about ignoring the child, and they are aghast. Later at home, the hypothetical professor opens his mail and throws away a letter from the United Nation’s Children Fund.

“No one thinks that is immoral, and why not,” Smith said of throwing away the UNICEF letter.  “What’s the moral distinction? … Today climate change is a sin of omission.”

So…..all the Warmists who have failed to give up their fossil fueled vehicles are guilty of manslaughter.

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2 Responses to “Warmist Compares Ignoring Hotcoldwetdry To Manslaughter”

  1. pat says:

    “Environmental Health” the degree this Professor has, may on the surface sound like it may have something to do with climate. it does not. it is an entirely soft subject having to do with social justice, such as where landfills are placed etc. It is about as academically rigorous as black studies with the approximate same level of intelligence required to master the subject matter. In other words what used to pass for 7th Grade Science.

  2. Gumball_Brains says:

    Citing monsoons and other extreme weather phenomenon on the other side of the globe, Kirk Smith, a global environmental health professor, said climate change is “a moral issue.”

    So, a professor of condoms and overgovernmental regulation of private property is telling people that watching a monsoon land on the other side of the world is a moral issue? Is he really expecing – wanting people to run (not fly of course) out to these places and stare down an oncoming monsoon?

    Yes, yes he is.

    Today climate change is a sin of omission.”

    Because people didn’t give money to him and his UN environment fund, then we are “sinners”? Not surprising at all that man has seen fit to change the idea of what sin is.

    Hey, remember when Warmists were saying they had to be more rational and less unhinged? Not working out too well

    Teach… this is rational to these people.

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