Well, yes, they are, because most people, even those who are Warmists, aren’t interested in burdensome restrictions on their lives that also dramatically increase costs. Most, when polled, want government to “Do Something”, just not when it effects their pocketbook and own freedom. Surprisingly, there are no polls asking “what have you done in your own life? Have you given up fossil fueled travel? Take 2 minute showers? Only buy local? Unplug appliances when not in use?” And the always fun one “why are you taking constant fossil fueled flights across the country, followed by driving in a gas hog in a big convoy of gas hogs, to give 30 minute speechs?”
(The Hill) President Obama told Democratic donors late Wednesday that he must sharpen his argument for action on climate change and green energy at a time when many families are still struggling financially.
He said, “The politics of this are tough.”
“[T]he thing that I’m going to have to try to work to persuade the American people a little more convincingly on is this notion that there’s a contradiction between our economy and our environment is just a false choice,†Obama said at a San Francisco fundraiser.
Hmm, so he took a fossil fueled flight across the country (with a brief stop over in Denver to whine about gun control, which meant he was able to write most of the trip off as presidential business) to attend a fundraiser where he whined about hotcoldwetdry. And, let’s not forget all the fossil fueled vehicles required to get him to and from the airport.
“If we’re going to deal with climate change in a serious way, then we’ve got to have folks in Congress – even when it’s not politically convenient – to talk about it and advocate for it,†Obama said at the second event.
And more fossil fueled travel in a big convoy of low MPG vehicles to the second event.
This is one of the reasons I went from a Believer to a Climate Realist: the people who advocate for it the most and are in positions to affect regulatory and/or legislative changes are the biggest hypocrites. “Climate change” isn’t about saving the planet from a fever, it’s about more far left government, growing the size of government, and increasing governmental control over people and businesses.
Yeah, let’s see how far our economy can go when we make laws and decrees that our environment can not be touched. How many houses can be built? How many roads can be created? How many coal mines, and other mineral mines can be dug? How many air conditioners can be powered when there is very little wind power?
How much food can you grow when cattleyards, and hunting and fishing are outlawed? Will they be happy when half the population will starve, freeze, burn to death?
And our president, our leader, is driving us toward that deadly precipice.