No, really
(Grist) Here at Grist we’re PIST, and we want you to be, too.
PIST is People in Support of Tomorrow. We’re people just like you, coping with the prospect of a frying planet.
Once we were irked. Peeved. Irritated. Now, we’re just PIST. And we want you to join us and share your PISTness.
We need 250 — at least — of you to show your support by helping us spread more PISTaciousness on Twitter.
Warmists have been “spreading awareness” since 1988, yet their belief sets are so weak that they refuse to practice what they preach.
..a mass effort to coordinate tweets that’s super easy to sign up for, and that will surely shake the rafters of the Twittersphere.
Yeah, about 20 tweets. Several by the same people.
“There’s a sucker born every minute.”
And the political parasites sucking up tax dollars know it.