So he built a fossil fuels powered Arc
(Huffington Post) Noah is told by a highly creditable source (God) that climate change (40 days and nights of rain) will cause a dramatic rise in sea level (the Flood) which will, in turn, cause enormous loss of life. Noah’s response may provide guidance for us. We too have been told by a highly creditable source (science) that climate change (global warming) will cause a dramatic rise in sea level (plus many other problems) which will, in turn, cause enormous loss of life.
(snip all the way to the end of a bat guano insane article that you really have to read to understand the full bat guano insanity)
Let us avoid the survivalist mentality, rise to a higher standard than Noah, accept responsibility, and take social action in the face of scientific predictions of potentially disastrous climate change.
Yeah, except Noah knew that flood waters were going to come due to HEAVY AND NON-STOP RAINS and water table eruptions because GOD told him so. He didn’t have a man show him a graph and demand to be believed.
Is HuffPo actually equating the political priests of the religion of climate change to the voice of the Almighty GOD?
Blasphemy anyone?
claiming man’s fears of the unknown and unknowable are in any way comparable to the word of GOD is definitely a sign of what our nation has lost.
There is certainly more evidence for AGW than for supernatural beings.
I think I understand the source of your science denier position. Carry on.