And a happy Sunday to all. This one, which is a little more risque then normal, is by Baron Von Lind. But, it’s art, baby! Sort of. :)
The nice thing is, You are Time’s Person of The Year.
To be sure, there are individuals we could blame for the many painful and disturbing things that happened in 2006. The conflict in Iraq only got bloodier and more entrenched. A vicious skirmish erupted between Israel and Lebanon. A war dragged on in Sudan. A tin-pot dictator in North Korea got the bomb, and the president of Iran wants to go nuclear too. Meanwhile nobody fixed global warming, and Sony didn’t make enough PlayStation3s.
So who You beat out were bad things and people. Of course, one of them is bad in Liberal eyes, the other is misunderstood. I think you know which one is which.
Nice, eh? Well, not completely, read the rest of the story.
And, if you dont want real risque, don’t read MVRWC (who has the Time story, too) or Agent Bedhead. To steal a phrase, heh!