As always, I’ll start with the notion of “I’ll believe it when it happens”. It will happen at some point, most likely within the next 100-200 years, based on the history of the Holocene
(BBC) It’s known by climatologists as the ‘Little Ice Age’, a period in the 1600s when harsh winters across the UK and Europe were often severe.
The severe cold went hand in hand with an exceptionally inactive sun, and was called the Maunder solar minimum.
Now a leading scientist from Reading University has told me that the current rate of decline in solar activity is such that there’s a real risk of seeing a return of such conditions.
I’ve been to see Professor Mike Lockwood to take a look at the work he has been conducting into the possible link between solar activity and climate patterns.
According to Professor Lockwood the late 20th century was a period when the sun was unusually active and a so called ‘grand maximum’ occurred around 1985.
Since then the sun has been getting quieter.
This could mean a return to those conditions. It could mean a return to the conditions of the mid 20th century, which had media and science types worried about a return to another ice age. I seriously doubt the Earth is headed into another ice age any time soon.
Of course, if the Earth does go into a little dip (like the 40’s-70’s) or one like the cool periods throughout the Holocene, Warmists will blame it on Mankind’s use of fossil fuels.
also from the article:
“It is worth stressing that most scientists believe long term global warming hasn’t gone away. Any global cooling caused by this natural phenomenon would ultimately be temporary, and if projections are correct, the long term warming caused by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases would eventually swamp this solar-driven cooling.”
The Earth has been steadily cooling for the past 5000 yrs, dropping about 0.7C. So far, in the past 100 yrs the Earth has warmed about 0.8C! The current period of rapid warming has covered the complete variance of temperatures in the Holocene! Your plan to add another couple degrees C to the current temperature is really irresponsible. We can hope our descendants forgive us, but can’t blame them if they do not.
Wow J. You keep going deeper in to insanity with each day.
So, in these two sentences, you state that our temps have gone up and gone down without man’s CO2 output. And, that we are about neutral to where you think we started 5000 years ago.
Again, good. You agree that our temps are within normal fluctuating patterns still within the bounds of past history.
HOly Crikey!!! But then you take a nose dive to looney land. Do you really believe Teach has a plan to add 2-3 degrees C to our global temperature?! I thought CO2 and computer outputs were your gods. DO you now claim that Teach is? Maybe if you tax one of these gods, then the heat will go back down to cold again. That’s what your cult believes anyway. taxation = less heat.
I actually have a plan to lower the world wide temperature, provided that Warmists aren’t full of mule fritters. In essence, I would pass legislation that requires all Warmists to give up their fossil fueled travel, use power only from solar panels and wind turbines, fine them if they use AC, restrict them from using wood, coal, and natural gas for heating, force them to purchase only appliances that are “green”, disallow use of hair spray, and have random Green Police inspections of their homes and work places to make sure that ever electronic device not in use is unplugged.
Furthermore, they must purchase carbon credits to make their lives “carbon neutral”, prices shall be set not by market forces, but as punishment. They are only allowed 2/3rds of a child, meaning they must purchase the other third from non-Warmists at whatever price the NW demands.
Even if this makes no difference in global temperatures, it’d be quite amusing.
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[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Scientist Worries About Return To Little Ice Age Type Conditions […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Scientist Worries About Return To Little Ice Age Type Conditions […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Scientist Worries About Return To Little Ice Age Type Conditions […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Scientist Worries About Return To Little Ice Age Type Conditions […]
My price for 1/3 of my child is pretty steep. I’d gladly accept an offset from those who believe they should not reproduce, but then do.
Teach, I hear that having police drive all over town constantly looking for small triffle of law breaking is actually good for the environment.
Like the cops driving around all day long in Big Rigs, spying on people in their cars going down the roads, trying to catch people texting or on a regular phone. That kind of brilliant work definitely should reduce the use of fossil fuels right?
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Scientist Worries About Return To Little Ice Age Type Conditions […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Scientist Worries About Return To Little Ice Age Type Conditions […]
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