If All You See…

…are exploited sexy women sweating in heat induced snow, and you’re offended by sexy women in bikini tops, you might just be a Warmist (named Jeffrey)

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on the real war on women.

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4 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. drjohn says:

    Thanks for the link, Bill!

  2. Jeffery says:


    If these children are of legal age and do not object to old men sharing their pictures on the internet who am I to object. It’s just not something I would do.

  3. Wow, you’re a prude, Jeff.

  4. PS: in all seriousness, if the thought even crosses my mind that they might be underage, I will not use the photo. I’ve actually not used many for just that reason, even though they are part of a theme I was looking for.

    Do you have a problem with sites like The Chive?

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