Let’s note right off the bat that this is an accusation by a student. That said, would this really surprise you?
(Daily Caller) Controversy is flaring up at a Connecticut high school after a student alleged that its internet filter is biased against conservative websites.
Andrew Lampart, a senior at Nonnewaug High School in Woodbury, told a local Fox station that he was conducting research for an in-class debate on gun control when he discovered that many pro-gun sites, such as National Rifle Association’s homepage, were blocked by the school’s filter. Meanwhile, anti-gun sites remained easily accessible, he said.
Lampart says he then expanded his search and found additional red flags. The state Republican Party’s website was blocked, but not the state Democratic Party’s. Pro-life groups like the National Right to Life were blocked, but not Planned Parenthood or NARAL Pro-Choice America. Even Christianity.com and the Vatican’s homepage fell on the wrong side of the digital barrier, though islam-guide.org and al-islam.org, both top Google search results for “Islam,†went unscathed. Each of the blocked sites was struck down by the schools SonicWall filter which labeled them as impermissible “Political/Advocacy Groups†sites.
In a letter to the Woodbury Board of Education, Lampart said that he approached local superintendent Jody Goegler, who told him that some political sites needed to be blocked to prevent “hate speech†from seeping into the school. Lampart approached the school board, he said, after no action appeared to have been taken to allow more sites.
Fortunately, the Board of Education is all over this
(Board Chairman John Chapman) sent Fox CT an email saying, “the Board appreciated hearing the comments from Andrew and agree that he has raised an important issue that warrants further investigation.â€
Who thinks that said investigation will come to nothing?
This is simply a continuation of the the process whereby Liberals/Progressives deem certain things “hate” in order to shut down opponents. And if you support the hate, you are now a hater, and need to be ostracized, demeaned, and destroyed.

and let the Socialist Dems pass their anti-speech amendment, and even more people and organizations will bet banned, blocked, and imprisoned.
Weird how an investigation is required. All has to be done is a pronouncement to have conservative speech sites be treated the same as anti-american speech sites.
Back in the 80’s when my kids were in grade school, you would not ever know what political party the teachers belonged to, and the parents didn’t discuss politics much either. But the kids started a Republican club that 5th, 6th 7th and 8th graders could join. My daughter just reminded me the other day that for debates and the like they only had three Democrats in her class!
I tell this because at no time were the Democrats denied their opinions and at no time did the teachers give their political opinions to the class. They supported the kids and the club, encouraged them to discuss politics- but may very well have been Democrats themselves.
What has happened to the country today is as close to fascism as I’ve ever seen. In all aspects, progressives want to stifle any debate, shut down any conflicting opinion and force their opinions down our throats. And they don’t see anything wrong with it.
If we are no longer teaching the 3 R’s, let’s stop with all of these fluffy electives that kids can choose, and begin teaching Civics, History, and Finance. Granted, that does not ensure that a proper teaching in how to be a good citizen, or where\why our country was founded, but at least it is a start to create a foundation upon.
Good points, Trish. I never knew about or was really exposed to politics in K-12, nor even much at ECU. It just wasn’t part of the learning experience, except as current affairs.