Physicians Say New EPA Rules Target The Poor

Oh, come on, this shouldn’t matter, cause we’re trying to save the earth!!!!!!

Physicians For Civil Defense – New Climate Rules Unfairly Target The Poor

Last week’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hearings in Atlanta on rules intended to “dramatically cut emissions” from coal-fired electricity generating stations were as contentious as expected.

The new rules are claimed to try prevent long-term climate change, including hotter summers and more intense storms – but the US has already done that, American energy sector CO2 emissions are back at early 1990s levels and coal is at early 1980s level. Yet global emissions have not gone down because China, India and Mexico, all exempt from climate treaty efforts, offset the reduction in the U.S.

The most dramatic cuts from the new rules will come from shutting plants down because they cannot pay the enormous cost of meeting the new rules. It will be impossible for many plants to comply at all which makes the Obama administration’s solar power agenda more economically, though primarily by causing its competitors to skyrocket in cost. That hurts poor people the most.

“Environmentalist demonstrators will go home,” stated Jane Orient, M.D., president of Physicians for Civil Defense. “They will do nothing to help poor people in Georgia cope with their lowered standard of living.”

Coal generates about 39% of electricity nationwide—and more than 60% in Georgia. The Climate Reality Project, which favors any rules that hurt existing energy, offered free Ben and Jerry’s ice cream to demonstrators.

“Poor and unemployed people won’t be eating ice cream when their power gets cut off,” stated Jane Orient, M.D., president of Physicians for Civil Defense. “And when the price of energy goes up, the price of everything goes up.”

It won’t be just the poor, but the middle class which will suffer. The only people who won’t suffer are the very rich people who are heavily pushing Hotcoldwetdry. Warmists will tell you that the poor will suffer if Hotcoldwetdry occurs, but their very policy prescriptions will be the most damaging. Especially when we have an almost 18 year pause in warming.

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  1. […] to the point of tuning out so that we won’t notice all the other malicious evil things his regime is inflicting on […]

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  5. […] point of tuning out so that we won’t notice all the other malicious evil things his regime is inflicting on […]

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