You’re probably thinking “Republicans won, Democrats lost, and Obama lost worst of all, considering his “policies were on the ballot”. Right? And that, since that occurred, Republicans should push Republican policies. Not necessarily full Conservative policy, but at least Republican policies. Oh, you, you’re so silly. Here’s the Baltimore Sun’s Dan Rodricks to set you straight
Well, we might be unhappy with Congress and disappointed in Obama. But we know what we want. I made a list of 10 things, for starters. It wasn’t that hard.
And all you silly people who are seriously concerned with the size and scope and tyranical nature of the federal government, as well as taxation, need to STFU, because you’re not reasonable
I don’t waste time with people who think the government is a monster that must be subdued, or that taxation equals confiscation. This isn’t for you.
This is for reasonable Americans who take the broad view of things and who want to see the country they love moving forward.
See? Told ya. BTW, when did Democrats start loving America? They seem to hate everything about it. Here’s Dan’s ideas
- Congress should do some serious self-regulation and change campaign finance laws. (strange, cause in many cases Democrats outspent Republicans, including through outside group money)
- Keep the Affordable Care Act. Stop trying to kill it. Call off the dogs who keep biting at it in Congress and in the courts. (because the election wasn’t a repudiation of Obama’s policies, including Ocare, which still polls badly. I wonder if Dan can tells us just why Obama held off in releasing the deductibles and premiums for the upcoming registration period)
- Let’s deal with wasteful spending once and for all (Actually, I think Conservatives could get behind that. Dems, not so much)
- Make sure the Social Security system is sound for decades to come (again, a good idea. But, how? That’s the conundrum. Dems and Republicans have different ideas. Oh, and Dems say everything is fine)
- Pave the highways, of course, but let’s get moving on better public transportation, once and for all. More trains and buses, please, and buses powered by compressed natural gas and electricity. Expand mass transit to serve the growing numbers of people moving to cities and metropolitan areas. Create jobs, reduce carbon emissions. (OK, you didn’t think I’d really be posting this without a mention of Hotcoldwetdry, did you? Searching for climate change articles is how I ran across it. Love how Warmists have to link a legit issue to climatism)
- Let’s stop arguing about whether climate change is caused by human activity and get busy on reducing greenhouse gases. (because that’s what the elections were about, ya know )
- Stop arguing about immigration and do something about it. We’re not going to deport 12 million people, many of whom are contributing to the economy and even paying taxes. So grant those who are here some sort of legal status and be done with it. Guarding the U.S.-Mexico border is also important, but … (in other words, blanket amnesty. Which is something we have to be concerned that the Establishment GOP might do. Of course, in many, many polls, people are dead set against this)
- … if we don’t deal with the problems that create refugees, from Central America particularly, they’ll keep coming. Let’s stop the war on drugs; it contributes to the violence that sends people to our borders, and it keeps our prisons full. (cocaine for all!!!!!)
- Find a better way for young people to afford their college education without going deeply into debt. (see, there are these things called “jobs”. Maybe they could get one? Strange that the education system, which is overwhelmingly liberal, monetarily rapes kids, eh?)
- Push innovation, seed more research and development into the technologies that are going to make life better here — electric vehicles (including buses), cleaner farming methods and pollution controls, treatments for cancer and other diseases. (Ok, another good idea. The problem is in the money aspect. Dems like to simply throw money to their campaign contributors. And will be upset over any Republican plans)
So, there you go. Only reasonable people need apply, you guys.
I other words if we would just agree to the communistic utopia, then the bitter pill will go down better. Although I do agree that getting rid of regulations on drugs would be a step forward and stop the progressive agenda on health care.
Also, on the illegals that are here. We don’t have to deport them. Just throw the employers in jail, don’t give them social services and some how they will figure out how to get back home. It is that simple.
[…] Ten Things Americans Can Problably Agree On Getting Done. […]
[…] […]
Why do you find it strange that a political party follows the rules? Republicans would prefer if the Dems would unilaterally disarm. Conservatives favor our plutocracy. Progressives prefer democracy.
Repubicans try to eliminate the ACA at their political peril. But both parties are so out of touch with the public that I expect repeated votes to abolish to program. Do you think Obama will sign the bills?
Meaningless tripe. Some conservatives consider any spending not related to defense to be wasteful. If you want to cut spending you need to look at Defense, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Entitlement reform is the cry of the Washington “Serious People”, who use it as a cover to cut Medicare and SS benefits. The Social Security system is currently sound. Mr. Reagan pushed through increased SS taxes in 1983 precisely to shore up the trust fund for the current baby boomer retirement boom. With no changes, the trust fund lasts until 2033. The American people support modest tax increases over benefit cuts to keep SS solvent past 2033. Let’s repeat. If we do nothing at all, SS pays the current projected full benefits for the next 20 years. As the ACA continues to put downward pressure on medical costs, projected Medicare outlays will be manageable. Relax.
Updating our infrastructure and improving our mass transit to European or Chinese standards will cost, and is incompatible with drastic tax cuts.
This will happen despite the ardent efforts of the ignorati.
Establishment Repubicans similar to Ronald Reagan and Alan Simpson? What is your solution to the problem?
The war on drugs has hurt more than helped.
Our unregulated and out of control financial system has taken advantage of our kids. They don’t owe the money to the colleges, but to lenders. Teach: Do you really believe that most unemployed people are just too lazy to work?
Really Teach? You think funding the CDC and NIH is just Dems throwing money at campaign contributors? You are so wrapped up by partisan hatred and ignorance that you can no longer think straight