Why? Because it’s time for reflection, says HuffPo’s Lori Popkewitz Alper
10 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday for many. It’s a time to eat, indulge and spend uninterrupted time with family.
It’s also a time for reflection. A time to think about what we’re thankful for and a time to think about how the choices we make impact our families and the planet.
Although every day provides an opportunity for reflection and change, Thanksgiving stands out as the perfect day to kick off a few new habits that will effect the longevity of our planet. If each of us revamped our consumption and waste habits by slightly adjusting what’s already in place, the overall impact could be huge.
Here are a few tips for the Thanksgiving holiday that will reduce our carbon footprint and help keep the planet healthy for generations to come.
See? Reflection. Not on family, friends, loved ones. Nope. Hotcoldwetdry. I’ll leave it to you to read all 10, if you so choose. It’s the standard boilerplate ideas, such as buy local (never a bad idea if you can get better and fresher), turning the heat down (so everyone can shiver and complain), purchasing carbon offsets (rather like paying a ticket for speeding rather than not speeding in the first place). Here’s my favorite
8. Green Your Turkey
A Cornell study shows it takes 14 units of fossil fuel to produce a serving of turkey. If you’re planning to have turkey, try to make it a little greener by purchasing it from a local market or farm. If the turkey is traveling a long distance to get to your table, that’s adding to your carbon footprint. Best option — skip the turkey!
There’s your marching orders, Warmist! No turkey for you!