Remember when Sarah Palin was blamed for the shooting of Gaby Giffords because of a “crosshairs” map for those she wanted to defeat politically? When will Democrats and the police haters take responsibility for the attacks on police officers?
(UK Daily Mail) A manhunt is underway after two plain-clothes police officers were shot and wounded while driving through a South Los Angeles neighborhood in what has been described as a ‘targeted’ attack.
The officers, who have not been identified, were reportedly fired at near the intersection of 65th Street and Broadway on Sunday evening as they drove in an unmarked car.
They subsequently returned fire, causing several suspects to scatter, police said. The officers were treated at the scene for minor gunshot wounds, while a number of people were detained by police.
Now, a search has been launched for two male suspects who were allegedly involved in the shooting and are on the run. Dozens of officers, including SWAT members, were at the scene Sunday night.
Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, Detective Meghan Aguila said the officers are thought to have been specifically targeted in the attack, which occurred in the Florence area shortly before 5.45pm.
Does this have anything to do with the anti-police venom spewed by Liberals? Maybe. Maybe not. This could certainly have occurred due to violence and crime that happens daily in South LA. Perhaps gang, drug, or illegal alien related. But, hey, since there is no proof of any of that, why don’t we just go with the Typical Democrat Method and blame Democrats? Especially since this comes on the heals of the arrest of a Ferguson protester who supposedly admitted that he shot police officers.

Why do you think Democrats are responsible for the attacks on police officers?
Do you think outspoken anti-government Republicans are responsible for attacks on police officers by anti-government killers such as Eric Frein, Amanda and Jared Miller, Poplawski, etc, etc…
Remember when the radical right applauded that crew at cloven bundy’s ranch for aiming their guns at police and federal agents ?

If you bothered to look perhaps you could have seen that Aty Gen Holder called the Ferguson cop shooter a “punk”
Or perhaps if you looked in Wikipedia you could under political violence in the USA most recent politicalviolence in the last 30 years has been done by right wing groups
Teach this was only a warning that included the word “could”
You often seem to change. Could to would
You often do that with other climate predictions
As in Arctic summer ice predictions
Why do you do that ?
To confuse the easily confused.
the abusers spew their bile … keeps them off the streets
the molesters of reason spread their vile ignorance…