This follows on the heels of the previous post on Cyclone Pam striking Vanuatu, but definitely deserved it’s own separate post regarding the Cult Of Climastrology (CoC)
Climate change brings disasters on steroids
Australia’s $5 million contribution to address the devastating impacts of Cyclone Pam is a much-needed and welcome act. But remedial responses like this are not enough. Governments must also develop more proactive tools to help mitigate the impacts of disasters in the first place, including the displacement of people from their homes.
Climate change-related displacement is happening now. It is not just a future phenomenon. Reportedly 45 per cent of Tuvalu’s population has been displaced by Cyclone Pam (um, they live on islands that are frequently hit by strong storms, and have been for millions of years). More frequent and more intense extreme weather events are consistent with climate change: disasters become disasters on steroids. While history shows that many Pacific island communities are highly resourceful and resilient in the face of adversity, traditional coping mechanisms are being challenged by what the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator has called the “new normal”.
The CoC always finds a way to bring their cult into the discussion. Then we have this
Majority of natural disasters climate related – Laurent Fabius
A senior French political leader, foreign minister Laurent Fabius, has told an international conference on how to reduce the risk from natural disasters that 70% of them are now linked to climate change, twice as many as twenty years ago.
Fabius is the incoming president of this year’s round of negotiations by member states of the UN climate change convention, to take place in Paris in December.
He said disaster risk reduction and the struggle against climate change went hand in hand: “It is necessary to tackle these problems together and not separately.â€
Nowhere in the article do they have a quote that matches the headline, but, hey, that is what the CoC is pushing. Now if only Fabius and hundreds of others, if not thousands, took fossil fueled flights to a conference in Japan which makes most natural disasters climate related.

Teach the amount of carbon pollution produced by people flying to conferences is not significant
Cyclone Pam was one of if not the most powerful cyclone known
Heat is one form of energy as the planet continues to heat up more energy will be In our atmosphere
If your only concern is about yourself it is true you will have little to be concerned about
Just turn up your ac
CoC = Chamber of Commerce?
This is a common tactic for propagandists: leaving out the denominator. What percentage of total yearly CO2 is derived from flights to conferences? 0.0001% ? A little less? A little more?
The WaPo famously uses this tactic in it’s “economic” reports. “It’s estimated that this program will cost $120 billion over the next decade!”. $120 billion is a big number! But 120 billion/60 trillion (Fed spending over next decade) = 0.002
More frequent and more intense extreme weather events are consistent with…
This “extreme weather” rhetoric is extremely tiresome. And extremely non-relevant, non-science. The data show that intense storms are at record lows, drought is flat or slightly declining over the long term, and the worst floods were more than half a century ago. That leaves only the recent record cold and winter snows as possibly relevant to the “extreme weather” argument. Snows that we weren’t supposed to see any more, according most AGW expert predictions over the last ten years. Because of global warming, you know. Except that has stalled, too.
There is only very thin ice for the AGW to stand on, and now they are mostly using the platform to attack “deniers”, and make a few feeble claims that greater snow is consistent with AGW because of more moisture or something. Except, there isn’t more moisture. It’s so easy to check. Better crawl off that ice now, you can hear the increasingly extreme cracking.

If you’re going to make a statement like that, you should look up the data. Took me 2 minutes on a smartphone. You just showed your ignorance in am attempt to push your narrow dogma. Which is also about hypocrisy.