There have been 8 predominantly Black churches which have burned over the last 10 days. Only 3 can positively be identified as being arson. The rest? Lightning strikes are some of the most probable causes, especially for the Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church in Greeleyville, SC.
Three of those fires have been ruled arson, one was determined to be caused by a falling branch and faulty wiring, and the others remain under investigation. Several have been blamed preliminarily on lightning; weather in the South this week has been turbulent.
This doesn’t stop the Social Justice Warriors from bleating about raaaaacism and stuff. And, in some cases, they could be right. Let’s never forget that there are hateful people out there of all stripes. Of course, these same SJWs aren’t particularly concerned when Jewish religious centers are hit with swastikas and other hate, including arson. Nor are they concerned when Blacks attack white people in hate crimes. It’s almost like they are just trying to patronize Black people for their votes, whipping them up into a frenzy
Church fires common, but usually not the result of arson
As investigators probe the cause of a fire that destroyed a rural South Carolina black church rebuilt after the Ku Klux Klan torched it 20 years ago, statistics show church fires are not unusual, and that the vast majority in recent years were not intentionally set.
Of the blazes that occurred at houses of worship dozens of times a week across the nation, about 84 percent were not intentionally set and many arsons are probably not hate crimes, the data shows.
No one keeps an up-to-date tally of every church fire in the United States, making exact comparisons impossible.
Yet if the six church fires around the Southeast were all that occurred in recent days, it would prove a relatively safe period for houses of worship.
An average of roughly 31 congregations burned every week from 2007 through 2011, according to a 2013 estimate by the National Fire Protection Association. The association based its estimate on data collected by the U.S. Fire Administration and supplemented with survey results.
Of all those church burnings, only 16% were arson.
Kitchen equipment and faulty heating or electrical systems were more likely to burn a church than an arsonist.
And lightning.
“Perception matters,” said Marty Ahrens, an analyst for the fire protection association. “We don’t know all the causes of all the fires that have gone on this week. But if the church arsons had not happened so soon after the tragedy in Charleston, that horrible incident, would it have gotten the same level of attention?”
Good question. Any that were arson are a shame. Unfortunately, there are bad people out in the world. There are also those who would use this for their hyper-political purposes, rather than offering help.
Some attacks on black congregations defy simple racial motives. For example, a taskforce formed by then-President Bill Clinton found that 63 percent of the people arrested for bombing or burning black churches in the late 1990s were white. But 37 percent were black.
The motives of the attackers varied widely, according to a taskforce report from 2000. Some suspects were vandals or pyromaniacs. Others were trying to cover up crimes such as burglary or financial theft. Others just held grudges.

Yep, whipping those suggestible Negroes into a frenzy to get their votes!
if only 3 are arson i guess that means no raaaaacsism ?
And the Klan meeting in the Sc capital, to defend the rebel battle flag? Just Southern Kulture/
and condolences again on the sadz about those Duke Bros from Hazzard getting their Tv reruns cancelled .
Teach times don’t change but people do. americans no longer want to see that symbol. that is why amazon WalMart and Nascar have all said no more
Only rightwing extremists like dylann roof think that flag is cool the longer that die hards fight to keep it the more outlandish their behavior appears
Another fake hate crime.
There is precedence: the Reichstag fire.
Three churches burned. You have no idea why. Yet, every single day I see many whites that are harmed by blacks simply for being white, no other reason. Are you going to do something about that? Lets get rid of the Lincoln Memorial. He was an avowed white supremacist, a murderer, an individual whose actions were only superseded by Hitler and Stalin. So lets get rid of him. How about Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Custer. They were all murders and tried to exterminate the American Indian. Ever look at the battle stats at Little Bighorn? Custer attacked the women and children and killed them rather than the warriors. Lets see, where did he learn that trick? From the Civil War were Lincoln instructed his generals to attack defenseless people.
Why don’t Blacks use the confederate battle flag to celebrate their southern heritage? Are they less patriotic toward the south than whites or do they have a different view of southern culture?
Maybe liberals have riled the Blacks up, making them uppity, and not appreciative of the gentile culture of the confederacy.
In referring to Shay’s Rebellion:
Drawing a somewhat arbitrary distinction between governments with and without kings at the top, John Adams said:
“Rebellion against a king may be pardoned, or lightly punished, but the man who dares to rebel against the laws of a republic ought to suffer death.â€
The Communist left loves this quote….they believe in it…..they cant wait for the day when they can begin locking in gulags those they oppose politically.
Two of Jefferson’s most famous quotations are from letters he wrote about Shays’ Rebellion.
One of those oft-cited quotes — “I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing†— was in a letter he wrote to James Madison on January 30, 1787.
Rebellion is coming. Thomas Jefferson said it was a good thing….you have about 38 states that I believe will side with the rebellion and thats a bad thing……cause those 38 states are full of guns and the 11 states and outlawed them……..lolol….good luck on the next civil war you are inciting in the name of COMMUNISM..
Right-wing rebellion will not be your 38 states against 11 states, but your traitors against the United States of America.
What do you think was the trigger for the right-wing traitors to decide it’s time to revolt? Queers getting hitched? A Negro President? The ACA? People criticizing the conservative battle flag? Mexicans? Muslims?
“The conservatives are revolting!”
“They sure are.”
As a Communist Jeffery what you really dont understand is that the people coming to America are the ones trying to get away from the persecution that the Communist want to once again inflict upon them. Once these new immigrants realize that they have been used by a movement that is more full of hate and control then any Conservative group could even possibly imagine….
Revolution will come….and it will be a revolution against the noose that the Communists have put around the necks of our people….It will be 80 percent against the ruling Communists who dont care about gays, lesbians, blacks, Chicanos, Disabled or whatever flavor of the month they are using today to gain their goals.
No it will be the Muslims and Chicanos, The Gays and the Lesbians, The Christians and the Jews, the Rednecks and the “BMW” crowd….it will be a majority of America taking back their country and it will have nothing to do with hatred or racism that people like you like to paint the right with daily……….
It will be for the very survival of the greatest way of life that this planet has ever seen….and WE will all come together with one enemy….and that enemy will be Communism.
So take your racist crap and shove it up your communist $^%.
“Guys from Dukes of Hazard getting their TV show cancelled.” Good little storm-trooper, John. That seems to the the equivalent of book-burning. The audience doesn’t get to decide what they want to watch or read, but our moral and intellectual superiors in the media will do it for us.
So the whole of America will revolt against the communists who are plotting the takeover of the US (and the whole world!)?
Can you put a bit more structure around your ideas?
Can you just type a simple step-by-step narrative or what you mean? I cannot follow you.
You understand me full well Mr. Communist USA. Ridicule is your only weapon against how I write. you want me to lay out in detail my thoughts so you can pick them apart. I refuse to do so.
Heres and Idea why don’t you lay out your thoughts in detail. Other then the right is KKK and ax murders.
Why don’t you explain to us why you hate God. Why you hate anyone who disagrees with your communist agenda. Why dont you lay out for all to see why its so important for Gays and lesbians to be married?? Tell us why You hate women and children to the extent that you would not lift a finger as you watch women and children in the middle east being beheaded and you mock the right for caring.
Lay out for us your vision of America….that nirvana of equality for all…equal pay for all and the destruction of capitalism that would pay for all this….then lay out for us how you will pay for all this stuff when YOUR communist government has taken control of the oil and gas fields, Apple and Microsoft and google and all the newspapers and all the manufacturing plants….
Explain to us in detail how communism (which loathes the very groups you purport to embrace) will benefit gays, lesbians, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, and all the groups you use to convert America to a communist nation.
Then when you done….go collect your capitalist profits and spend them on fossil fueled food, wine, women and song and then proclaim how your so concerned about the world and about the USA.
Were all anxiously waiting.
hell you havent even told us how your going to replace fossil fuels yet….as you deflect and ridicule Rush Limbaugh in response to the discovery of oceans on a sattelite orbiting Saturn.
In general, I hate two things: willful ignorance and cruelty.
There is no evidence of God or gods, so it seems very unlikely they exist. I may be wrong, though. My wife believes there is a Christian God and we’ve been married over 40 years.
I have no idea what you mean by my communist agenda. I support the Constitution of the US and a regulated capitalist economic system. What does this look like? Read economist Dean Baker, Robert Reich, Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz; and politicians such as socialist Bernie Sanders. Our slide into plutocracy has harmed the working families of the US and is not sustainable. I’m a capitalist myself, cofounder of a small pharmaceutical development corporation, investing in other ventures as well.
It’s not important for homosexuals to be married, but it’s my belief they have that right if they want. But this is old news since the Supreme Court ruling.
As Teach states, there will always be evil humans amongst us. It’s horrible that ISIS murders innocents, and as far as I’m concerned all of them could be hanged by their testicles until they die from birds picking at the their flesh. What would have me do to help? When did I mock the right for caring?
I have not advocated any of the above.
I have never advocated that the US devolve to communism.
I do make a nice living and I eat, drink wine occasionally, sing all the time and appreciate women for more than just their minds (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). I am so concerned about the world and the USA!!!
With a little bit of help, the capitalistic economic system will gradually replace fossil fuels over the next century.
I ridiculed Rush Limbaugh over the discovery of oceans on a moon of Saturn?? I don’t remember doing that. It is my opinion that Rush Limbaugh is the worst person in America, but I could be wrong.
Let me add that your rants are getting more and more bizarre.
Thats generally how it looks when a persons true intentions are laid bare. You quote Read economist Dean Baker, Robert Reich, Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz; and politicians such as socialist Bernie Sanders.
Robert Reich…Chairman of common cause. Berkley Professor and Senior Fellow Blum Center for Developing Economies….Berkley professor says it all…thats like me telling you to read what John Doe from the Heritage foundation has to say about X.
functions of which are ending poverty thru socio-economic political changes. In other words you are putting on a pedastal a far left progressive aka socialist…the goal of which is communism.
Dean Baker….The public education portion of CEPR’s mission is to present the findings of professional research, both by CEPR and others, in a manner that allows broad segments of the public to know exactly what is at stake in major policy debates….Or when you look at the board you see far left progressives making policy for the left and Im supposed to read this?
Bernie Sanders….and avowed Socialist….the goal of socialism is communism.
Paul Krugman…..Lunatic Anti right hater who loathes all things conservative.
Economist and columnist Paul Krugman declared personal bankruptcy today following a failed attempt to spend his way out of debt.
In a Chapter 13 filing to the United States Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York, lawyers for Krugman listed $7,346,000 in debts versus $33,000 in assets.
The majority of his debts are related to mortgage financing on a $8.7 million apartment in lower Manhattan, but the list also includes $621,537 in credit card debt and $33,642 in store financing at famed jeweler Tiffanys and Co.
The filing says that Krugman got into credit card trouble in 2004 after racking up $84,000 in a single month on his American Express black card in pursuit of rare Portuguese wines and 19th century English cloth.
The Wicked pursuit of STUFF….a consumer….Driven by Capitalism that he trashes daily….A professor of ECONOMICS who cant keep his own house in order yet we are to believe this person when it comes to advising the world on economics.]\
Joseph Stiglitz
LOL Columbia University President. The home of more communist professors then the Univerity of Moscow.
Greek economists to Stiglitz and Krugman: Butt out!
“They have criminal responsibility,†he says of the so-called troika of financial institutions that bailed out the Greek economy in 2010, namely the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank.
11 million people are 300billion dollars in debt and the criminals are the ones who want the addicted spenders to reign in their spending binge.
See this is what a Communist does….he points to all these far left Socialists as if they are oracles of wisdom hoping to rely on the ignorance of the reader.
It’s always projection…
You didn’t discuss any ideas but merely slurred those I cited. LOL.
It’s always projection…
You might check your sources on Professor Krugman’s false bankruptcy story. Or use the Google and type in “krugman” and “bankruptcy”. It helps us all if the information you type is actually true.
The story originated on the Daily Currant, a satire site which has articles today such as, Sarah Palin: ‘Why Does NAACP Tournament Have White Players?’, Bestiality Surges Following Gay Marriage Legalization, Confederate Flag Kills 7 At Alabama Shopping Mall, Ted Nugent: ‘Obama Stole My Remote Control’, and previously Paul Krugman Arrested for Urinating on Teddy Bear (of Rival’s Daughter).
Or do you think the communist lamestream media changed the internet to cover up the truth?
If I were a janitor, I would be a proud one and do a good job and still be a liberal. I worked my way through college – 1 year as a janitor and 3 as a warehouse worker. There’s no shame in honest labor.