So now gay behavior is offending gays. Or, really, might possibly Offend. Silliness to the max
(Metro) Free Pride Glasgow, which takes place next month and advertises itself as an ‘anti-commercialist’ alternative to the city’s main Pride event, decided that drag queens – closely associated with Pride celebrations for most of their history – would not be welcome to perform.
In a statement outlining the reasons for the ban, Free Pride Glasgow said it was concerned that trans people or those questioning their gender might feel ‘uncomfortable’ should drag queens perform.
God forbid anyone feel “uncomfortable”.
‘This can particularly difficult for those who are not out and still present as the gender they were assigned at birth. While it was discussed whether we could have trans drag acts perform, it was agreed that as it would not be appropriate to ask any prospective drag acts whether or not they identified as trans.’
They weren’t “assigned” a gender, they were born a gender. Period.
Pride Glasgow said they understood the rationale behind the decision, but said that the banning of drag acts was ‘against what an inclusive event should be about.’
Yeah, but if anyone might be Offended, measures must be taken. Possibly jail time.

As I have said on my YouTube show, we will continue to see more and more strife as the government continues to separate everyone into classes and subclasses of citizens with unique rights and privileges.
It’s a mess and it will only get worse and eventually violent and out of control.
Whatever happen to one class of citizens called Americans? Well, it all started with the separation of ruling class from private class.
In a kook show, you get kooks; in a freak show, you get freaks. We normal people really should stop being surprised.
I propose a new etiquette to help everybody identify themselves: Choice/DNA. Rachel would be Rachael Black/Caucasian Dolezal, Jenner would be Caitlyn/Bruce womyn/male Jenner, My cat, who thinks he is human, would be; Tom human/feline. He hopes to vote next year.
What a strange fascination the right has with the sexuality of others. It is almost like there is something lacking in their own lives.
Teach ? Blick? Dana? anything missing in your own lives?
Well teach at least you do have a good supply of pics
For conservatives, it’s all about controlling others. Unfettered freedom for white, hetero men – and everyone else needs to toe their line.
White conservatives want to decide who has sex and with whom and how often. Birth control and abortion allow women too much freedom. The conservative gods hate gays. Conservative gods made everyone either a male or female at birth.
Here’s a simple explanation of gender dysphoria:
So you think it was conservatives who organized and promoted a Gay Pride event?
The stupid is strong with you.
Jeffrey gets it half right:
No, we don’t care with whom you copulate; we do care when you try to say that it’s somehow normal and moral, and when you try to use the power of the law to force other people to be complicit in your shenanigans.
Well, yes, actually, that’s correct. With the exception of some very rare birth defects, your statement is exactly true. The link you gave us says that “Gender dysphoria” is not a mental illness, but yes, it clearly is, as psychiatrists recognized for a long time before political correctness set in. When you have a harmful condition that afflicts something like 1 out of 12,500 people, that condition is so rare as to constitute a pathology, and not some variation of normal.
Moreover, it is a condition which leads people to lie, not only to themselves, but to others; a condition which leads people to deny the truth about themselves cannot be considered anything other than a sickness.
Just how womanly are male-to-female transsexuals? From The Victory Girls:
More at the link, including the internal references.
So, when a male-to-female transsexual felt himself insulted, because Mr Shapiro used masculine references toward him, his reaction was what you would expect of a very angry man, threatening to kick Mr Shapiro’s ass, not the normal response of a real woman.
And just how manly are conservative men? Waah! Waah! That WTB (whiny titty baby) Shapiro repeatedly insulted Zoey Tur and when Ms. Tur threatened a beatdown, Shapiro runs crying to the police. “Waah! Waah! That mean lady threatened to spank me!”
Can you imagine the snickers at the stationhouse. Little Ben must have been humiliated! “There, there little fella’… calm down… Would you like a popsicle? We’ll keep that mean liberal lady from beating you up. Although you might think about taking a self-defense class or lifting some weights sometime.”
Not very masculine behavior from little Ben. Most women I know could whup an emasculated bottom-feeder such as Shapiro. If little Ben is going to keep practicing his dickish behavior he may need to look to who he’s stepping off to or take the cop’s advice and bulk up a little. It’s a tough world out there for wimps. But he can always sue people.
One would think Ben Shapiro would be more sympathetic, in that he is a high-pitched, tiny man trapped in a woman’s body, lol.
This is the norm for the modern conservative, though. Always the victim.
You’re right. The transgendered are not above criticism, but as little Ben found out you have to pick your targets carefully.
Maybe little Ben hates women because his mommy used to spank him or his wife beats him up.
“This is the norm for the modern conservative, though. Always the victim. Good one, J. This from the party that breeds victimology every chance they get. “Not very masculine behavior from little Ben.” I see. But nothing compared to the overtly feminine behavior from Obama and the MSM after he was asked a “tough question” from a big meanie at FOX News. Oh, my! He was disrespected. Glad there were fainting couches nearby. Thanks again, J, for bringing up an example that when turned around make liberals look like fools.
Nice deflection. I didn’t bring up the example, one of your compatriots did. I just pointed out how the new conservative relies on government for protection from mean girls. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.