If anthropogenic climate change was so utterly real, so dangerous, and the science was so utterly sound, one would think that there would be no need for hyperbolic, over-the-top stories and pronouncements, eh? Here’s hyper-alarmist Joe Romm at Climate Progress
James Hansen Spells Out Climate Danger Of The ‘Hyper-Anthropocene’ Age
James Hansen and 16 leading climate experts have written a must-read discussion paper on what humanity risks if it can’t keep total global warming below 2°C (3.6°F). The greatest risk they identify is “that multi-meter sea level rise would become practically unavoidable.â€
This is warning everyone should heed — not just because Hansen’s co-authors include some of the world’s top sea-level rise experts, such as Eric Rignot and Isabella Velicogna, but also given Hansen’s prescience on climate change dating back more than three decades.
In 1981, Hansen led a team of NASA scientists in a seminal article in Science, “Climate Impact of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.â€
They warned: “Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.â€
Wow. A 35-year-old peer-reviewed climate warning that is 100 percent dead on. Is there anyone else on the planet who can has been right for so long about climate change?
Except, the “fabled Northwest Passage” is not open. Yes, it opened for a brief time, very brief, but, interestingly, it was also open during the “safe” time when CO2 was well below 350ppm, back between 1903-1906. Every prognostication of an ice free Arctic has failed.
Predicting drought? There are always parts of the world, including North America and Asia, that experience drought. Most non-alarmist scientists have noted that the West Antarctic melting is primarily occurring due to thermal heat underneath from volcanic activity.
Hansen has a long history of failed prognostications. His 1988 forecast was off by 150%. Manhattan is not under water. And so many more.
Hansen and co-authors deftly dismiss those ill-informed Pollyannas who use Orwellian terms like “good Anthropocene.†They explain that we are far past “the era in which humans have contributed to global climate change,†which probably began a thousand years ago, and are now in “a fundamentally different phase, a Hyper-Anthropocene … initiated by explosive 20th century growth of fossil fuel use.â€
The “Hyper-Anthropocene†is a very good term to describe the unprecedented acceleration in global warming that humanity has set in motion with the explosive growth of fossil fuels and carbon pollution, as the recent science makes clear:
The Hyper-Anthropocene”!!!!!!!! Which has seen Mankind reach highs our ancestors never dreamed of. But, hey, you know, doom
The fact that 2°C total warming locks us in to sea level rise of 10 feet or more has been obvious for a while now. Heck, the National Science Foundation (NSF) issued a news release back in March 2012 on paleoclimate research with the large-type headline, “Global Sea Level Likely to Rise as Much as 70 Feet in Future Generations.†The lead author of that study explained, “The natural state of the Earth with present carbon dioxide levels is one with sea levels about 70 feet higher than now.â€
Yeah, this is about the 10 feet of sea rise very very soon paper, not peer reviewed, and may never be, because his compatriots are not enthused by the paper. But, “climate science”needs lots of scary stories about future doom. It’s how they roll. Because the so-called science itself continues to fail spectacularly.
Meanwhile, James Hansen and the rest of the Cult of Climastrology refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels. Weird, right?

The paper is currently under review for the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
The Prager University has a run down via the founder of Greenpeace as to what a crook all this CO2 crap is. Very interesting, even John might understand it.
Climate fraud James Hansen back in the news again? These people have no shame. After his “Manhattan under water” prediction made him look like a dork, he’s back for more.
What’s comical is that they are actually predicting the beginning of the next ice age not the start of a catastrophic warming period.
With all that melting ice pouring into the ocean in such a short time……
Yeah no way that doesnt shut down the warm northerly currents, break off the ice shelf in Antarctica and plunge us into the next ice age.
I’m just saying….AGW fear mongering is such a bonafide crock that they cant even get their science right when they try to fear us to death.
Prager U. Dennis Prager. ‘Nuff said.
About Patrick Moore, erstwhile Greenpeace associate. He’s not even “a” founder of Greenpeace, much less “the” founder.
“Although Moore was once (1981, 1986) a leading figure with Greenpeace Canada and subsequently with Greenpeace International, in 2008 Greenpeace issued a statement distancing itself from Moore, saying he “exploits long gone ties with Greenpeace to sell himself as a speaker and pro-corporate spokesperson, usually taking positions that Greenpeace opposes.”
Moore has become a Denialist – and now makes a good living Denying for corporate interests. There’s nothing really wrong with that but just be honest about your sources.
50 or 100 years from now??? I’ll be dead by then, so party on, Wayne!
On the other hand my grandkids will be between 51 and 62 years old. And their children would be in their 30s most likely. Great grandkids would be school age. Well, it’s their problem! Party on, Garth, party on.
From Greenpeace own website:
There’s a joke that in any bar in Vancouver, Canada, you can sit down next to someone who claims to have founded Greenpeace. In fact, there was no single founder: name, idea, spirit and tactics can all be said to have separate lineages. Yet, some people clearly stand out. Here are four of them.
From Greenpeace website:
Marie Bohlen was the first to suggest taking a ship up to Amchtka to oppose the U.S. plans. The group organised a boat, the Phyllis Cormack, and set sail to Amchitka to “bear witness” (a Quaker tradition of silent protest) to the nuclear test. On board were:
• Captain John Cormack, the boat’s owner
• Jim Bohlen, Greenpeace
• Bill Darnell, Greenpeace
• Patrick Moore, Greenpeace
• Dr Lyle Thurston, medical practitioner
• Dave Birmingham, engineer
• Terry Simmons, cultural geographer
• Richard Fineberg, political science teacher
• Robert Hunter, journalist
• Ben Metcalfe, journalist
• Bob Cummings, journalist
• Bob Keziere, photographer
Stowe, who suffered from sea-sickness, stayed on shore to coordinate political pressure. Cote stayed behind too, because he was about to represent Canada in an Olympic sailing race.