The Crips, Bloods, Asian Boyz, Mongols, Surenos, Mexican Mafia, MS-13, Pirus, and so many more, you be good now! No large capacity mags for you!
L.A. City Council bans large-capacity ammunition magazines
Defying sharp warnings from gun rights groups, Los Angeles thrust itself into the national debate over gun control Tuesday, as city lawmakers voted unanimously to ban the possession of firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.
Such magazines have been “the common thread†in almost all the mass shootings that have devastated the country, from Newtown to Virginia Tech to Columbine, said Juliet Leftwich, legal director for the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Backers of the plan said it was a small but meaningful step to minimize the bloodshed, by forcing attackers to at least interrupt their rampages to stop and reload.
I’m sure all the hardcore gang members will immediately change their ways and start using mags that hold no more than 10 rounds. Because gangs follow the law.
The National Rifle Assn. and other gun rights groups have threatened to sue over Los Angeles’ new rules, arguing that they violate the 2nd Amendment and are preempted by existing state law.
California law already generally bans the manufacturing of such large-capacity magazines, as well as offering them for sale or bringing them into the state. But state law does not prohibit people from possessing them, which Krekorian and others argued is a “loophole†that jeopardizes public safety.
Wait, don’t Liberals constantly tell us that laws stricter than higher level government are illegal? Oh, right, that’s only when cracking down on illegal aliens.
“People who want to defend their families don’t need a 100-round drum magazine and an automatic weapon to do it,†said Krekorian, who championed the ban at a rally Tuesday outside City Hall. But if someone wanted to do harm, Krekorian added, “imagine what a gunman on this sidewalk could do with that kind of firepower with a crowd like this.â€
Ownership of a fully automatic weapon is mostly illegal. Almost no one bothers with a 100 round mag. This just goes to show that the gun-grabbers are hysterics and really do not know what they’re talking about.
The new ordinance gives Angelenos who own such magazines 60 days to remove, surrender or legally sell or transfer them after it goes into effect. Breaking the law would be a misdemeanor. Garcetti has 10 days to sign the measure, which would take effect a little more than a month later.
Oh, noes, a gang member might get a ticket and a small fine! That’ll learn them! Obviously, this will only cause problems for legal gun owners, who may be left with a gun without a usable magazine. Unless they purchased the weapon prior to January 1, 2000. Which would seem to be a violation of equal treatment under the law.
At the Tuesday hearing, the CalGuns Shooting Sports Assn. also raised concerns. “I don’t think it’s going to have any effect on gun violence,†said the association’s director, Chad Cheung, pointing out that people in neighboring cities such as Burbank or Glendale could still possess the magazines.
“Bad people are going to do bad things, and they’ll do it regardless of whatever laws are in place,†Cheung said.
The problem with all these gun laws are that they go after the legal owners, not those who illegally own them and use them for nefarious purposes.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Im a gun rights advocate. However I do not believe that the constitution should or would apply to firearms add ons.
For example what about if someone wanted to ban scopes? Would that be protected under the 2nd amendment… about bullets……Do we imply rights based upon a vague right?
Magazines, bullets and scopes and other PARAPHERNALIA used by gun owners would not and perhaps should not be covered under the second amendment.
I will admit Im out of the country alot and have not followed this closely so perhaps Im not up to speed on the law or supreme court rulings.
When Americans allowed their government to make any sort of laws or permits/licenses in respect to the protected rights that have wording like, “shall make no law” and “shall not infringe”, that was when those rights were lost and they are now mere privileges that can and will be altered however those in government feel.
We have let the beast out of the cage a long time ago, and sadly, our society will endure the fate of many countries throughout history because we were too spoiled and ignorant to heed the warnings of the founding fathers.
The interventionists think they know what is best because they naive little kids with really big gavels and cool uniforms that make themselves feel special. In the end though, history won’t remember their names because it will be a dark mark on history that no one will want to remember.
I’m sure glad I transferred my 20 and 30 round mags out of the state (along with my guns, my pets, my vehicles, and myself of course). I saw the direction that that screw-ball city was headed and decided that I just didn’t want to put up with the liberal nonsense anymore. Smart people will consider doing the same…
Extending that thought process forward a bit, could the government ban magazines, newspapers, bullhorns, microphones, printing presses, etc and not run afoul of the First Amendment?
In the recent shootings that we have seen, the people got weapons because of known holes in the system.
John Russell Houser (Louisiana theater shooter) was involuntarily admitted to a mental institution yet that information, which would have disqualified him from purchasing a weapon, was not entered into the NICS.
Jared Louchner had run ins with the police, was known to be a threat to others and himself and yet he was not in the NICS.
The doctor who treated James Holmes (Aurora, CO shooting) knew he was a danger and did not report it.
Dylann Roof never should have had a firearm, but his disqualifying information never made it into the system.
Maybe, just maybe, we should try getting the systems we have in place to work. In all of the above cases, another law would not have mattered to the shooters so the end result of any restriction is that law abiding citizens now have to face criminals who are going to have more firepower and more guns than the law abiding citizen does.