As Mr. Obama is preparing for more executive action on guns, which will surely only affect the law abiding citizens, rather than the criminals who use guns (hey, how are things in your hometown of Chicago, PBO?), he’s going to use the families of those killed by Christopher Harper-Mercer as political props
(Breitbart) President Barack Obama will travel to Oregon this week to visit privately with families of the victims of last week’s shooting at a community college.
Obama will visit Roseburg on Friday as he opens a four-day trip to the West Coast. No additional details about his visit were immediately available.
First of all, we will see how serious Obama is about this by the number of fundraisers he attends, which are surely the primary reason for this West coast swing. Rarely is a big trip like this a last minute thing. He’s simply adding the visits in serendipitously.
Second, for all his bluster, he never called or visited the family of Kate Steinle, murdered with a gun by an 5 time deported illegal alien, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, who was also convicted previously of 7 felonies. Interestingly, the gun used was stolen from a federal agent’s car, not purchased at a “gun show” using the “loophope”.
Nor has Obama ever visited with the families of others killed by illegal aliens. Nor the families of the doctors killed by a US airstrike in Afghanistan by military members under the control of…wait for it…the Obama administration.
Obama has renewed his call for stricter gun laws following the shooting and has expressed exasperation at the frequency of mass shootings in the U.S.
It’s interesting how most of these have happened while he was president. Say, where were all the visits and comments on all the people, including US federal agents and Mexican children, killed by the guns members of his administration “walked” into Mexico?
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Kate was one of 10000 who are killed each year by people who love guns and the guns mist lived are hand guns that are easiest to conceal and carry
Anything to deflect from his failures both domestic and foreign.
Got to keep it off the front pages.
Is there actually any evidence that mental health issues are causing mass shootings? There are millions of Americans with mental health issues, both large and small, yet very few mass shootings. Or do we just assume that someone who shoots an innocent person is mentally ill?
Clearly, improved access to mental health services is a good thing, since it reduces human suffering. So we should strive to improve. Yet, the rates of mental illness are similar amongst advanced nations, but the US excels at mass shootings. Why are there fewer mass shootings in Germany, the UK, Japan, Canada, Australia etc?
Wow has john gone off his meds or what?
Kate Steinle was killed by an illegal immigrant who should not have been in the country nor running around as he is a career criminal.
Far from the blood being on the hands of guns, Steinle’s death is on the hands of people like john who support illegal immigrants and felons.
Here’s another story that will warm the hearts of freedom lovers everywhere!
“Dyer told WATE-TV her daughter was playing outside when the next-door neighbor asked to see the puppy. McKayla told the boy “no,” and he shot her.” The shooter’s dad kept a loaded 12g handy in case Obama’s henchmen invaded Tennessee. McKayla Dyer was a second grader. I bet her parents are proud of her for putting her life on the line in the fight against government tyranny!
McKayla’s shattered body is a small price to pay to preserve our right to keep loaded guns handy.
As Jeb! and The Donald say, “stuff happens”. It seems like a large price to the Dyer family but it’s a small price to pay for all the societal benefits we gain from our unfettered access to
hard-on devicesguns.So did Reagan invade Panama?
About 2.5 million Americans die each year. Should the President visit, send a personal note or call the families of each one? That’s almost 7000/day.
Maybe just murder victims? That’s maybe only 30-odd a day.
Some 30,000 Americans die each year from projectiles fired from guns.
Why do you request he comment only on murders committed by undocumented immigrants? Oh, that’s right, politics.
Are you objecting to the President visiting towns where children are gunned down en masse?
So, as I stated before, little jeffy is just as evil as Obama and just as big a liar.
Some 30,000 Americans die each year from projectiles fired from guns.
True but- like everything the evil little one posts- misleading.â‚©
Firearm deaths, however, include suicides, and there are a lot of them. In 2013, there were a total of 33,636 firearm deaths, and 21,175, or 63 percent, were suicides, according to the CDC. Homicides made up 11,208, or 33 percent, of those firearm deaths. The rest were unintentional discharges (505), legal intervention/war (467) and undetermined (281).
So did Reagan really invade Panama?
Here’s a case of a child dying in a car.
The child’s shattered and overheated body is a small price to pay for the right to be able to drive a car.
Such is the lack of logic of people like Jeffery.
So, as I stated before, suckingpuppies is just as evil as satan and an even bigger liar.
Two points. One: Your link is to a right-wing gun lobbying group run by the dishonest and discredited John Lott.
Two: As expected they mislead with the data. Norway is a bigger threat by mass killing than the US?? Really? Over a period observed, 2000-2014, as reported in the WSJ, the US had 133 mass killings and Norway 1 (the right-winger Brevik killing many dozens of “liberal” children). China, with 1.3 billion, had 4. So Norway was worse because a solitary right-wing ideologue killed more kids in a small country. Really?
All those canine prostatic secretions you ingest may be harming your brain.
Of course, cars have a use other than killing. In fact our economy cannot survive, much less prosper without them.
Do you oppose efforts to make modern transportation safer? We have laws that attempt to keep impaired drivers off the roads. We have laws to limit the size, the amount of noise and the speed of autos. We have regulations in place to make them safer. And in fact, cars are much, much safer now than even 10 years ago!
Gun use is primarily a hobby.
Such is the ideology of gc and his ilk.
As have stated many, many times – rule of thumb: Deaths from firearms: 10,000 homicides, 20,000 suicides, less than 1000 accidents
As you said, what I typed was true.
One: Your link is to a right-wing gun lobbying group run by the dishonest and discredited John Lott.
So The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is now a gun-lobbying group?
Keep proving how much of a liar you are.
“Dishonest and discredited John Lott….” Uh, no.
Our economy cannot exist without the right of people to defend themselves and their property.
We have laws that attempt to keep people who shouldn’t own a gun from getting guns. (Of course a case can be made that the NISC database is broken and no left leaning person or politician wants to fix that and instead would rather impose more restrictions on legal gun ownership.) We have laws that limit the size of guns and weapons. In fact, gun deaths and violence has decreased over the last 20 years!
Of course, this is a lie from the dishonest and discredited Jeffery as the number one reason for owning and purchasing a gun is protection.
Once again we see a lack of logic and facts from Jeffery and people of his ilk.
Yes, there is a definite link between mental health and mass shootings. Then the rest of your comments are pure bull as always.
You didn’t link to the CDC but to John Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center, a right-wing gun lobby org. Stop lying.
Uh, yes. Here’s Michelle Malkin dissecting Lott in WND.
Hey dave – I asked for evidence, not your biased opinions.
The dishonest, discredited and odious Jeffery wrote:
The Malkin article is from 2003, and hardly addresses the nature of Lott’s new work or disputes his latest work as it had yet to come out.
The SSRN paper is one that Jeffery must not have read. While the authors disagree with Lott, they note that other bodies have reviewed his work and think it may be incomplete, but not wrong.
DDO Jeffery then trots out a link to a site that is decidedly anti gun and anti Second Amendment. If any one else here did such a thing in a debate, Jeffery would laugh at them and dismiss the being totally biased and therefore not worthy of addressing.
Typical off DDO Jeffery, he applies different standards to his citations as he would to others that clearly refute his positions.
Asking DDO Jeffery to be consistent is like asking him to stop lying. It just ain’t gonna happen. But no matter. Using his standards his so called “evidence” must be taken with a grain of salt.
Or less.
The fetid, smelly, drug-addled gitarcarver typed:
Michelle Malkin discredited Lott’s magnum opus More Guns, Less Crime. It’s pretty clear that Lott fabricated a 1997 survey supporting his political beliefs. In addition, he repeatedly used a fake name, Mary Rosh, numerous times to compliment himself online and to write favorable reviews of his book. It’s possible that Lott had an epiphany and decided to start conducting his research and himself in an honest and honorable fashion. Is that what you’re claiming? Lott WAS a liar back then, but is now honest? It’s possible. But he’s made a nice living collecting wingnut welfare from AEI to FOX “News”.