Yet another poll that’s bad for the gun-grabbers
(Gallup) A majority of Americans, 56%, believe that if more Americans carried concealed weapons after passing a criminal background check and training course, the country would be safer.
Personally, I’d like to see an increase in open carry. If a criminal sees someone carrying a handgun, rather than wondering if they have concealed, they’d be less likely to engage in a criminal act against that person. Anyhow, 82% of Republicans say safer, as do 59% of Independents. Of course, only 31% of Democrats say safer, putting them outside of the mainstream yet again on guns. I guess they prefer the high levels of criminal use of guns in their cities, especially when it comes to Blacks killing Blacks.
We also find that 86% support a “universal background check using a centralized database”. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with a background check, and since the term “universal background check” is not explained, of course people will say yes. Then we get this
So, 53% say it wouldn’t really make a difference. We’re still waiting for the recommendations from the gun grabbers on how to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, gang members, people intent on doing harm, etc. Most of their plans are aimed at those who aren’t purchasing firearms for nefarious purposes.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Teach if you believe more guns equals more safety why aren’t you carrying right now ?
Why aren’t your workers encouraged to carry ?
Gotta walk that walk yeah know not like those despicable “warmists”
John asked:
Not to speak for our esteemed host, but how do you know that Mr Teach isn’t armed right now?
I support the Second Amendment, and am more of an absolutist than our host: I do not see how accusations, but not convictions, of domestic abuse or mental illness can be used to infringe upon our right to keep and bear arms, since the Fourteenth Amendment specifies that our rights can be restricted only after due process of law; things must be adjudicated before your rights cn be infringed.
That said, I do not carry a weapon, not because I am somehow afraid of firearms, but because I live and work in a very safe area; I choose how I wish to guarantee my safety, something you would deny to those who believe they live and work in less safe areas.
Of course, we know that the left support freedom of choice on exactly one thing.
The despicable warmists? Hey, I don’t object to you choosing to walk everywhere or ride your bicycle or install solar panels on your home; that’s absolutely your decision as far as I am concerned. the problem is that Jeffrey and you would restrict our right to choose differently from what you want us to do, and penalize us if we did not comply.
The reason we don’t carry is because stupid people like yourself have made laws to keep us from doing so. Why do you make laws to keep people from protecting themselves? Why do you make laws to keep us from getting medications that we need? Why do you make laws that interfere with every single aspect of our lives?
john has tried this tactic before and each time it fails to convince people of anything other than john cannot think critically for himself.
John tries (and fails) to make the equivalency of two distinct things – the right of someone to choose to do or not to do something and people forcing beliefs on others while they don’t “practice what they preach.”
One can believe in the 2nd Amendment and without exercising that right. The belief in the right to bear arms does not force anyone to carry or own a weapon.
Warmists, on the other hand, want to force people to do what they themselves will not do. Warmists want to take choices away from people. Often those people are those who can least afford the changes that warmists want to force on them but warmists don’t care about people or their choices. They only care about making others do something.
L’il johnny is a good example of this. He demands that people install solar panels on their homes but has not done so on his own home. He wants other to incur costs but he wants to keep his money.
There is a difference between the choice to exercise a right and being forced to do something by someone who will not take the same action.
Excellent comment gitarcarver.