It’s been a while since I took a peak at Grist. It’s not as fun since some of the writers, like David Roberts, left. But, this one is a hoot, as written by Robert Pollin
4 reasons why we can and must fight terrorism and poverty through climate action
Soon after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York City, then-President George W. Bush offered the view that “we fight against poverty because hope is the answer to terror.†Bush himself never followed through in advancing a serious global anti-poverty agenda. But, in the in the aftermath of last Friday’s terrorist slaughter in Paris, it is imperative that the rest of us do so now.
Interesting. The United States has spent untold amounts around the world since the end of World War II on anti-poverty programs. We’ve spent around $22 trillion over the last 50 years. Yet, poverty still exists.
But, this matters not at all to members of the Cult of Climastrology, who will say and write anything to push their political agenda. They’ll link each and every real issue to their pet cause. Which means the real issues are made less important.
I was planning on excerpting the 4 reasons, but, really, all but the last one are just plain stupid and have shown historically that they are failures. The last one did peak my interest, though
- Small-scale distributed energy systems can flourish.
Clean energy investments will create major new opportunities for alternative ownership forms to emerge, including various combinations of smaller-scale public, private, and cooperative enterprises. People are also able increasingly to install and operate their own small-scale distributed energy systems that rely less and less on electrical grids. This is already happening in a major way in the U.S., Germany, and other advanced economies, especially with solar energy installations. But here again, the opportunities are greatest in poor countries such as India, where more than 40 percent of rural households still do not have access to grid-based electricity. Distributed renewable energy will enable such rural households to leapfrog over grid-based electricity generation systems entirely.
It’s an interesting idea, one I wholly support. Smaller scale projects allow for better control, as well as storage of power, rather than relying on giant companies and governments controlling huge grids. However, this goes against what the Cult wants, since this would take power (pun intended) out of the hands of Government.