The Daily Caller’s Michael Bastasch focuses on the draft treaty mentioning “Gaia worship”, but his first few paragraphs bring up a separate issue
The United Nations draft global warming treaty calls for countries to protect “the integrity of ecosystems and of Mother Earth†while cutting carbon dioxide emissions to fight global warming.
The draft U.N. treaty also emphasizes “promoting, protecting and respecting all human rights, the right to development, the right to health, and the rights of indigenous peoples, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable climate situations … as well as promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women.â€
All “while taking into account the needs of local communities, intergenerational equity concerns, and the integrity of ecosystems and of Mother Earth, when taking action to address climate change,â€Â according to the treaty.
He goes on to note how “Environmentalists and scientists have increasingly turned to religion to gain support for regulations aimed at cutting carbon dioxide emissions”, which is true. But what can’t be ignored is that this draft treaty, which will never be placed in front of the US Congress, and for which Obama and John Kerry are trying to make non-binding, is all about pushing far left Progressive (nice fascism) issues.
As I’ve noted time and time again for years and years, that’s what the ‘climate change’ push is all about. Which includes the redistribution of money from productive nations to non-productive ones, all why pushing for more and more central government control by using all these buzz words and phrases. They sound great at first blush, but, what they mean is government in control of people, private entities, and economies, along with the energy sector. They’ll be able to dictate what we think, what we say, how we act. Everything. And what’s so surprising is that all these little special snowflakes who are part of the ‘climate change’ movement, which is part of the overall Progressive movement, fail to realize that this will all affect them personally in a negative manner.
It’s good to see that so many other skeptics are starting to focus on this being a political issue, not a science issue.

It was always a political issue with
Deniers“skeptics”, as the scientific evidence supporting the theory of CO2-caused global warming is overwhelming, and has been for a long time. The attacking of climate science (and climate scientists) by “skeptics” was merely a “skeptic” tactic in support of the strategy to delay action. “Skeptics” love their ideology more than they love humanity.“Skeptics”
don’t likehate with the white-hot heat of a thousand suns the potential solutions to the problem.Your fantasy is that global warming will just go away. Maybe you need to pray more or better.
Our honored host wrote:
If this is an actual treaty, and President Obama signs it, there is absolutely nothing at all which requires him to submit it to the Senate for ratification, but there is also nothing which prevents the Senate from taking it under consideration for a ratification vote even without a formal submission by the President. The Majority Leader can simply take the signed treaty, and assign it to the appropriate committee, which could hold hearings on the treaty — it would be interesting to see President Obama refuse to allow the Secretary of State to testify on the treaty on the grounds that the President hadn’t yet submitted it for ratification
— and then send it to the Senate floor for a ratification vote.
Who knows: the Democrats might even filibuster the ratification vote, which would mean that they were filibustering a treaty that a Democratic President signed, to prevent a vote which would result in rejection. Fun times all around!
2015 looks like the first year of reduced carbon pollution while economy is doing better. Thanks Teach !! Thanks Dana!! see what can be done when we all work togeter
Thanks fracking! Thanks for making our point, John, as all this happened without some draconian carbon tax.