…is an evil carbon polluting truck causing clouds of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Leftist’s latest idea, pee powered socks.

…is an evil carbon polluting truck causing clouds of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Leftist’s latest idea, pee powered socks.
Gas is down to $1.65 in NJ !!
Thanks Obama!!!!!
And gas is down to $2.69 near me.
Thanks, leftist elitists for your mandates that make everything cost more in CA.
Since we are apparently giving Obama credit for bringing down gas prices, does this mean we can also blame him for the rise of ISIS under his watch, and for having a historically high number of people who’ve dropped out of the workforce in despair?
“Thanks Obama!” John, unknowningly as usual, undermines his own cause. Obama wanted energy prices to up, John, showing that he’s a failure at even that.
I’m blaming Obama for the 6-foot blonde that just dumped me. A leggy doll that lives in a big resort house all alone. Well, alone except for the housekeeper. Blondie thinks she cut me off because she found out about my wife, but it’s really all about the huge cash hit for liquefying assets to allocate in a divorce. And the strained economy has left no fat in the budget.
A six-foot leggy blonde? Send he my way!
Of course, to judge by the photo, the driver of that truck is going to need a six-foot — or taller — leggy blonde just to get in that truck with him!