Why, yes, yes they are going to attempt to push another “assault weapons” ban
(The Hill) Assault weapons would be banned under new legislation from House Democrats.
Following a string of recent mass shootings, Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) is looking to renew the assault weapons ban that was originally signed by former President Bill Clinton but expired more than a decade ago.
The Assault Weapons Ban of 2015, which Cicilline will introduce Wednesday afternoon, would ensure that no such guns are manufactured while placing new restrictions on the sale of already existing assault weapons.
The bill has about 90 Democratic co-sponsors, including House Minority WHIP Steny Hoyer (Md.) and Rep. Steve Israel (N.Y.).It has no hope of passing through Congress, however, given opposition from Republicans.
“Assault weapons are designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as quickly as possible,†Cicilline said in a statement to The Hill. “We need to do everything we can to reduce the toll of gun violence by keeping these weapons out of our communities.â€
At best, the original ban reduced “gun violence” a tiny bit. The vast majority of buyers are purchasing for sport, hunting, or defense. I’ll put this up again
Those weapons are essentially identical. They shoot the same round. They can both take the same magazines. They both have relatively the same accuracy. They both shoot just as many bullets in the same amount of time: one trigger pull, one round expelled. Yet, the top one is lighter and more compact, making it easier for women to use it for self defense. Why do the anti-gunnites want to make it harder for women to defend themselves?

Also kids can use the top one easier I guess Farook’s wife must have been happier to be able to use the lighter weight gun with the bigger magazine Teach, what about RPGs? We aren’t going to be able to stop the armor of a tyrannical government without those easily carried weapons.
Teach are you carrying a gun tight now ? Do you allow/encourage your employees to openly carry at work? Have you invited NC open carry to visit any if your phone stores?
I’m convinced that the one on the bottom is safe because on the A-Team show the good guys fired thousands upon thousands of rounds from this type of rifle and no one ever got hurt. One could argue that they were poor marksmen, but these guys were all supposed to be ex-mil operators. So it must have been the rifle. They even used the folding-stock model of the Ruger that our leftist superiors inform us about for being extra scary and dangerous. It was hell on car tires, fenders, and windshields, though.
Thank God for that.
Funny how john sides with the countries supporting terrorists in one thread and then laments people defending themselves in another thread. It is almost as if he is a supporter of terrorists and criminals.
What am I thinking “almost is?”
He definitely is.