Let’s focus on the first two today, shall we?
Will #climatechange make this Christmas the warmest of your lifetime? https://t.co/3FiHXWzUWT via @EcoWatch pic.twitter.com/1TYPpqWv5t
— Greenpeace USA (@greenpeaceusa) December 24, 2015
Doofus Bill Nye Angry No One Blaming 'Climate Change' for Warm Christmas https://t.co/06X6l1c7W6 via @TruthRevoltOrg
— ?Ophidian Pilot? (@ophidianpilot) December 24, 2015
Santa: All I want for Christmas is a Congress that recognizes climate change as a threat to His creation. pic.twitter.com/uiv1Zh8YsS
— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) December 24, 2015
Huh. Doom from ‘climate change’. Then there’s this
The past couple weeks have given climate change skeptics plenty of events that seem like reasons to dispute global warming.
An inundation of wintry weatheracross the country carried snowstorms and freezing temperatures everywhere from the Pacific Northwest to the Southeast.
Using weather (i.e a few very cold days) as evidence against global warming (i.e a decade of hotter summers) is kind of like using one man’s early death to disprove the fact that, on average, life expectancies are increasing.
On one hand, they were trying to blame ‘climate change’ for the cold, much like Warmists did with the polar vortex. Then they try and say it well be doom from warmth. We also had Bette Midler, who blamed ‘climate change’ for this year’s warmth, saying something else last year
.@FoxNews: Global Warming aka Climate Change is about extreme weather. -31 degrees is extreme weather. To deny that is extreme stupidity.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) January 9, 2014
Remember, we had uber-Warmist John Cook writing
To claim that record snowfall is inconsistent with a warming world betrays a lack of understanding of the link between global warming and extreme precipitation. Global temperatures in the last few months of record snowfall are some of the hottest on record. Warming causes more moisture in the air which leads to more extreme precipitation events. This includes more heavy snowstorms in regions where snowfall conditions are favourable. Far from contradicting global warming, record snowfall is predicted by climate models and consistent with our expectation of more extreme precipitation events.
See? Record snowfall is totally consistent with a warming world.
So, what’s causing the warmth? Honest warmists will let you know that it is really due to the El Nino and what is a “normal weather pattern.” Christmas Eve in 1955 was generally much warmer on the East coast, and that was during a time period between 1940 and 1980 when global temperatures were flat and even going down.

I see that Omaha was supposed to be 48 today (Christmas). All the past week the weather gurus have been wrong..now it is 29 degrees. We were not supposed to have precipitation – yesterday got 9 inches of snow in my driveway. NOT the warmest Christmas Day in my life.
50 years ago it was 100 degrees in Louisiana on Christmas day. It is now cooler.
Don’t forget that scientifically it’s beyond dispute that the Earth is warming from CO2 that humans have added and continue to add to the atmosphere.
Superimposed on this global warming is a strong El Nino which is causing characteristic El Nino weather patterns in the US.
Do you think the weather reporters are lying or hoaxing about all the record highs? It’s easy to understand that we have bouts of warming in winter, but what makes them record highs? That’s almost as if it’s the warmest Dec 24 since records have been kept.
The Earth is warming. It’s not “natural”; it’s from greenhouse gases we’re adding to the atmosphere, and will continue to change our weather patterns.
Merry Christmas to all my Denier debaters!
It’s Christmas day, and I’ve been out wearing an Old Orchard Beach t-shirt today. If this is global warming, why would I want to fight it?
That’s great. Then you won’t mind if refugees from a flooding East Coast and an insufferably warm South move into your neighborhood to enjoy your newly discovered wonderful climate!
Don’t forget that scientifically there’s an enormous amount of dispute on the warming that isn’t happening. What’s not in disputed is the fact that NASA and NOAA are “adjusting” their data. For some reason, I’m sure it’s innocent, the past cools and the present warms. “Warmest Dec. 24 since records here been kept. ” Yes, for only 150 years or so, which in the big picture means nothing
You’re the most resistant Denier here! There is political dispute from the most impervious Deniers, but little scientific debate. You actually claim that it’s not warming while other
skepticsDeniers here now admit that it is, just not mostly/solely from CO2.All the data are
“adjusted”corrected to be more accurate. Better information leads to better conclusions.Well, that happens to be the data we have. And what it means is that the Earth has been warming rapidly the past 150 years. In addition, we have other data allowing estimates of the Earth’s temperature going back hundreds of thousands of years. Guess what? The current temperature is warmer than most of the previous 400,000 years. What will you find persuasive – the next 1000 years of data?
Jeffrey wrote:
No, why should I? As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve already bought our retirement farm in Kentucky, and we’ll be selling our home here in 2018 or 2019. As people move into the Poconos, creating more pressure on housing, I’ll make more money selling concrete while I’m still working, and the price for which I’ll be able to sell our house will be driven up by the increased demand. :)
Don’t forget that scientifically it’s beyond dispute that the Earth is warming from CO2 that humans have added and continue to add to the atmosphere.
There is no direct scientific proof or data that has been shown that link the current observations to human activity. The link is assumed to be simply a fact, with no need to investigate or discuss any scientific data.
No, I am the best denier, no one else.
Now, please indicate any “science” that is associated with your religion. Not the opinion pieces, not the stupid grafts, not the massaged data, not the “thought” experiments, none of the crap that you usually present. You can’t, end of discussion.