Warmists have been blaming the current unseasonable warmth in the East on ‘climate change’, despite even climate scientists noting that it is really El Nino. And something that has happened several times prior. But, what about snow?
A year of extremes: severe snow storms, drought and floods ravaged US in 2015 https://t.co/DB3aH0q01Q
— American INSIGHT (@FreeSpeechCntr) December 27, 2015
Why, yes, that UK Guardian article does blame the early 2015 snowmageddons on ‘climate change’. It also blames it for drought, floods, hot, cold, a lack of tornadoes. Hotcoldwetdry. But, what of the current snow?
To the #climatechange deniers: This year we've seen more snow in Las Vegas than New York.
— Info_Viking (@megacoolmike) December 28, 2015
Our hearts are with #GOP #climate-change denying states which are being hammered by snow, ice, rain, flood and wind this Christmas holiday.
— Healing Inspirations (@RisingSign) December 28, 2015
Snow in Texas – hoping no one gets hurt – but are they praying to the Lord or they changing their minds about climate change?
— Jon Harvey??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (@CllrJonSHarvey) December 28, 2015
Dear Tx,
The debris flying past your windows & snow jamming your roads are not bc of God, gays or abortion.
It's climate change.
Stay safe.— Caravans of Retirees (@TwinmomSue) December 28, 2015
It keeps going and going and going. But, remember, they say they aren’t an unscientific cult. Or unhinged
Two days ago: tornados! This morning: snow! Fuck you, climate change deniers. Fuck. You.
— Bryce (@sandchigger) December 28, 2015