If you remember, a few days ago the Virginia Attorney General unilaterally decided to disallow people from 25 states who have concealed carry permits from carrying while in Virginia, because those states supposedly had looser permitting requirements than Virginia. The said this was a “common sense step.” Anytime a Democrat yammers about “common sense”, it’s usually about limiting rights. And this seemingly violates the actual law, which doesn’t provide for either the Virginia State Police nor the Attorney General’s office, nor the Governor, from removing reciprocity once established. That would be a function of the state legislature.
In response to that, and other gun restrictions, state Sen. Charles W. Carrico Sr (R) has drafted legislation which would reinstate the concealed carry reciprocity, as well as strip Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe of his armed security. This has led to a snit fit from McAuliffe’s office
McAuliffe’s office responded sharply to Carrico’s move, calling it a “reactionary temper tantrum.â€
“Reactionary temper tantrums may play well on right-wing blogs, but they don’t make anyone safer,†McAuliffe spokesman Brian Coy told FoxNews.com. “Governor McAuliffe has worked with local, state and federal law enforcement officials to keep guns out of dangerous hands by better enforcing Virginia gun’s safety laws, a common refrain of gun advocates.â€
Perhaps the Governor’s office has data on the number of “dangerous” people traveling through Virginia with their concealed carry permits? Or how many have caused problems? He signed an executive order which wants to deal with the “supply and demand” issue and reduce “gun violence.” What better way than to limit the number of people walking around with gun in the area of the governor? If guns are the problem, not the people, then the security should not be armed, which would make the governor, and everyone around him, safer, according to anti-gun activist talking points.
You do also have to love how liberals immediately decide to smear people who disagree with them in a personal way. Oh, and project.
Coy went on to say that Carrico’s attitude is an example of the lack of willingness from Republicans to work with the governor on issues related to gun safety.
“As a gun owner himself, the governor is ready to work with the General Assembly on common sense steps like universal background checks. Unfortunately, Mr. Carrico’s quote is a good representation of the interest he and his colleagues have shown in productive work on this serious issue so far,†Coy said.
Yet, it seems that the Governor has not actually reached out to Republicans. Furthermore, it’s a “my way or the highway” attitude. And it sure seems like McAuliffe is not a happy bunny over the notion of having his armed security being removed.
Here’s two ideas for Senator Carrico: he should offer legislation which makes the Governor ineligible to carry a firearm, whether open or concealed, in any place that private citizens are restricted, which would be in response to Executive Order 50.
He can also, instead of stripping McAuliffe’s armed security, require them all to carry “smart guns”, since McAuliffe was a big proponent of them all the way back in 2000.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Withdraw the security from all elected individuals, even the president. Why do they count more than the average citizen? Then see what attitude they have for better care of the mentally ill and enforcement of our laws.