Let me say right off the bat, I’m still not a Trump for president supporter or fan. There are too many leftist leaning issues in his past that I do not trust. Maybe he can convince me. But, I do love the way he almost never backs down, especially when the Social Justice Warriors come after him. I wonder if he read Vox Day’s book SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police (it’s free if you have Kindle Unlimited, which is the best $10 a month I spend, but, that’s a different story)
Trump schools news anchor for calling Clinton’s affair ‘alleged’
Donald Trump turned the tables on NBC News’ Savannah Guthrie when she tried to frame Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky as an “alleged†incident.
The “Today†show had the Republican presidential front-runner on live Tuesday to discuss his decision to highlight the sordid past of Hillary Clinton’s husband. It wasn’t long before Guthrie was on the defensive.
“You mention Monica Lewinsky,†Guthrie asked. “Are you saying an alleged extra-marital affair, that of course he has now admitted, is that fair game?â€
“Is it alleged? I don’t think that’s alleged,†Trump responded.
“No, he’s admitted it, he’s admitted it,†said Guthrie.
“If he’s admitted it, you don’t have to use the word alleged,†said Trump.
“Right, exactly,†the NBC host conceded.
And that’s the way you turn the tables on SJWs, and liberals in general. They always want to put people on the defensive, change the subject, deflect, make others uncomfortable. Don’t play the game. Notice that I rarely ever play that game in the comments here or elsewhere. The few times I do, it’s because I can make a different point from the deflection. Donald took her deflection comment, turned it around by using that one word “alleged”, and forced her to admit her error.
When dealing with SJWs, you do not admit anything, you don’t apologize, you don’t say they have a point, you don’t go into a shell, you shouldn’t be contrite, and you get everything on the record, whether it be in writing or video. Otherwise, they will use all that to increase their attacks. When you hit them, you hit them hard. You make it painful and personal for them to continue. Because they do want to destroy you, and will take down your family and friends and compatriots in the process as collateral damage, if necessary. It is all about continuing The Narrative.
Good for Trump for not falling for it. Which is a big reason why he’s doing so well. He’s willing to attack back in a way so many Republicans wouldn’t and won’t.
Of course, in SJW World, the Donald was probably being a misogynist and showing his patriarchy by daring to attack back or something.

Once again you lie.
But what does Bill Clinton’s blowjobs have to do with the 2016 election? Is it that he lied about getting blowjobs from Monica?
If an intrepid reporter asks Donald if Marla Maples sucked his schlong while he was still married to Ivana, what would he say?
Donald Trump is the perfect low-information candidate for the right. What you love about him is his “fuck you” attitude. Mexicans? Gone! Muslims? Blocked! China? Outwitted! Negroes? Who cares.
Good point Teach. Trump nailed her when she tried to slip in the “alleged” adjective.
As for Jeffery, doesn’t seem very nice to accuse our host of lying.
As for: “But what does Bill Clinton’s blowjobs have to do with the 2016 election?”
It isn’t just Lewinski, and you know that.
And you also know what it has to do with the 2016 election. Hillary is accusing Trump of being sexist while at the same time using Bill to bolster her campaign. Perhaps the names of Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Broderack, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey will help. If not, then look up Bobbie Ann Williams, Eileen Wellstone, Sandra Allen James, or Christy Zercher.
And before you dismiss them for whatever reason, you may want to heed the words of Hillary Clinton who
tweeted “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported at 8:09 PM on Nov 22nd 2015.
Clinton Settles Paula Jones Lawsuit for $850,000 Paula Jones in October.
The extraordinary case came to an extraordinary finale, with the defendant agreeing to pay $850,000 even though the plaintiff originally only asked for $700,000 when she filed suit — and even though the case was dismissed without a trial.
–The case opened a Pandora’s box of allegations about his past sex life and made him the first president ever interrogated under oath as a defendant in a civil lawsuit or before a grand jury as a possible criminal target. Jones v. Clinton also yielded a historic decision by the Supreme Court, which ruled 9 to 0 last year that even the chief executive can be sued. And it was the resulting search for evidence that led Jones’s lawyers to Monica S. Lewinsky and the chain of events that prompted Starr’s report to Congress alleging that Clinton committed 11 impeachable offenses.
Prove it. I triple dog dare you.
If it was a Republican taking advantage of a girl young enough to be his daughter, you’d be outraged. And it goes to show bill’s lack of respect for women.
The 69 year old Trump has married two different women young enough to be his daughter (and was banging Marla Maples while he still lived with Mrs. Ivana Trump) and has bragged if he was not her father maybe he’d be dating his 34 year old daughter, Ivanka.
And you’re worried about Hillary Clinton’s only husband? Did she cheat on her husband? No. Did Trump cheat on his wife? Yes.
If Trump is the nominee, for whom will you vote? Hillary? lol. Of course you support Trump. So that makes you a liar. You lie in almost every post. You’re a right-wing hack. The easiest way to not be a liar is to tell the truth.
I was outraged by Clinton’s behavior with Lewinski at the time it occurred for the simple reason that it’s wrong to abuse your employees, even with their permission. Would I recommend that a Republican President be impeached for diddling the help? No. I didn’t even advocate Bush’s impeachment following his catastrophic invasion of Iraq under false pretenses.
Will Trump’s lack of respect for women (thrice married; cheated on first wife with his second wife to be; Megan Kelly was on the rag; – and these are just his sins that have been reported) keep you from supporting him? No.
Will Bill Clinton’s past harm is bid? Oh, that’s right, he’s not running, Hillary Clinton is. He would win anyway, as will Hillary.
Of course you support your tribe’s leader, Trump. You attack the opposition leader’s husband. It’s all gutter politics to distract from Trump’s juvenile actions and policy prescriptions.
Trump/Palin 2016!
I see you failed to defend your statement that I lied, and tried to shift the goalpost, which was also factually incorrect. So, I reiterate, prove your initial assertion, or retract it.
And, no, I won’t ban you for failing to do so. Not the way I operate, and I like you commenting. But, if you can’t prove it or retract it, it shows your dishonesty.
Hillary has “cheated” on her husband. If you would take off the blinders, you will find out a good bit about her. In my little corner of the world we have some inside information about the Clinton creeps. Hillary has a girl friend in Longview, TX. She has a long history of lesbian affairs, just like Bill has used the state troopers in Arkansas to arrange sex in all the little towns around here. If you can’t see problems with the Clintons, then you have issues.
The proof is in your posts supportive of Trump! We won’t know for whom you voted until you vote.
You support Trump in your posts, but you claim you do not support Trump. That makes it a lie.
You have no evidence that Hillary Clinton is a lesbian or that she cheated on her husband of 40 years, but it is common right-wing lore, also used by Trump as a smear. It reinforces the intensity of the base (men like you) but has little effect on normal American voters.
William Jefferson Clinton is (or was) almost certainly a hound dog with multiple affairs during his marriage. And if he were running in 2016 he would get re-elected.
Do you think the media will ever do their jobs and look into Trump’s past?
Are you bothered that Trump was schlonging another, much younger woman while he was married to Ivana Trump?
Are you bothered that Trump disparaged his first wife during their divorce?
What is it about Trump that draws people like you and William to him?
Like most little liberals, Jeff can provide neither facts nor an admission he was wrong. Instead, he triples down with yet another false assertion, moving goal posts, showing his dishonesty.
You probably would, but that was not why Clinton was impeached. There were four articles of impeachment against Clinton. They were:
1) The president provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. That charge is true.
2. The president provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony in the Jones case in his answers to written questions and in his deposition. Again, this is true.
3. The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case. Again, this is true.
4. The president misused and abused his office by making perjurious, false and misleading statements to Congress. Once again, true.
There was no question in anyone’s mind that Clinton had done the illegal acts of which he was accused. The question was whether those acts rose to the standard of “high crimes and misdemeanors” as required by the Constitution.
It was the media that ran with the idea that the charges were about sex and low information votes, people who cannot think, and people who were more interested in protecting Clinton (Jeffery fits all three) went with the narrative of the charges being about a sexual liaison.
Even today, Jeffery is still trying to rock that lie.
Once again, Jeffery has either a short memory or just continues to lie.
He cannot prove what does not exist. You asked for proof. He repeated his claim as if he has a modicum of honesty within him that would make anyone believe him.
Little Willy,
You typed:
That is clearly a lie, as your actions count more than your words.
Similarly you claim to acknowledge that the Earth is warming, yet post article after article claiming that the Earth has stopped warming.
Actions speak more loudly than words.
This kind of “double thought” is diagnostic for the new conservative “mind”, such as it is. Since the new conservative is driven by ideology and not logic or evidence it seems natural to hold two diametrically opposed positions. Modern conservatives are incapable of recognizing their lies.
Thus is the mind of the insane.
There is no evidence that has been presented that Teach has acted in such a way that would indicate support for Trump. None. Asked to produce any such evidence has been met by Jeffery with the same accusation that is lacking in proof.
The interesting thing is that Jeffery is always the one that when it comes to the cult of AGW, the actions of those who believe in the cultist teachings don’t matter.
Think about it for a moment. When there is no proof of the actions being against the words of a speaker, Jeffery is quick to label the speaker a liar. When there is actual proof of people acting against their words, that can be dismissed according to Jeffery.
It should also be noticed that Jeffery again tries to shift the subject to another topic to cover his false allegations and lies.
Ergo, one whiny little bitch.
[…] continue the conversation within that post, as it is a different subject. This comes from the post The Donald Schools A Clinton Compliant Media Hackette. After much back and forth, the goalposts were shifted, and then it went back to the original […]
Yes, I have proof that Hillary is a lesbian and has a girl friend.
Now, as to Trump, he is a jerk and fairly stupid. The only think about him that would make me vote for him is that he is not Hillary.