This is not the first time that we’ve seen Leftists in Germany, along with other nations, put the abusive refugees above the rights of female citizens, and it surely won’t be the last
(RT) A German mayor became the least popular resident of his own town after saying that schoolgirls should not “provoke†refugees and should take alternative routes to school to avoid sexual harassment. The comments outraged concerned citizens.
The Bad Schlema town hall meeting turned sour after a grandfather confronted Mayor Jens Müller about young schoolgirls who have been harassed by asylum seekers from the windows of the town’s refugee shelter. He asked Müller what would happen in the summer, when the girls are wearing less clothing.
“That’s easy, just don’t provoke them and don’t walk in these areas,†said Müller, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party.
This did not go over particularly well with the residents. And, yes, there is video at the link. Muller decided to keep digging that hole
“Well, it’s technically not necessary for the girls to walk there. There are alternative routes for going to school,†Müller said.
He then decided to go down the “well, some Germans do it, too” deflection route
But the mayor didn’t stop there. He went on to remind the residents that sexual harassment also takes place among Germans.
“Do you think this doesn’t exist among Germans?†he said.
The citizens were having absolutely none of it, and let Muller know, in no uncertain terms, that Germans go to jail for it, while the refugees are let off the hook. In fact, the German government seems to be doing all they can to allow sexual harassment and violence against German women by refugees. Which is no surprise, as, in Leftist dogma, Muslims are placed higher on the ladder than women.

Do you have evidence that the Mayor is a “leftist”?
Political correctness has forced even US conservatives to abide by that mantra, at least in public.
Do you think posting pictures of nearly naked teens is “respecting women”?
Muller is a member of the German “Freie Wähler” Party which is a small party aligned (as a member) with the European Democratic Party which is decidedly liberal and left leaning.
Do you have evidence that the pictures posted are teens?
It won’t be long until women discover that the left will abandon them when they’re no longer useful. Which is what we’re seeing now in Europe.
Do YOU have any evidence to support your claim that Muller is a “leftist”. From your own blockquote:
And according to Conservapedia:
And certainly, Merkel is no “leftist”.
We understand why conservatives lie, since truth has a well-known liberal bias.
Do you have evidence that Leftist dogma places Muslims “higher on the ladder than women”? Since most Muslims are conservative you’d think that liberals would persecute them. And honestly, the dogma of Islam is hardly less believable than Christian dogma.
The problem of course is that conservatives (closet fascists) actually have a ladder for assigning values to groups. It’s projection, and a clumsy attempt at that, to speculate that liberals think as conservatives do. On the top rung are Caucasian, Christian, heterosexual, conservative males, followed by Caucasian, Christian, heterosexual, conservative females, below that conservatives don’t discriminate much – foreigners, browns, Blacks, Muslims, gays, atheists etc etc. Their “thought” processes are little different from the thought processes of other more primitive tribes.
If you say so.
The problem Jeffery, is that you are clueless on so many levels. Either that or you simply write to amuse yourself.
Conservatives have no “ladder” for assigning values to groups.
The same cannot be said about progressives who champion identity politics, hate crimes, affirmative action and other programs and beliefs that serve to separate and divide people.
You demonstrate this yourself when you refer to primitive tribes.
You did get one thing right, however, when you wrote: “It’s…a clumsy attempt at that, to speculate that liberals think.
William typed the nonsensical statement, not I.
Since William depends on his surrogates, who swallow his stuff hook, line and sinker, to defend his BS… So, anyone, Bueller? Bueller?
What I’ve learned in dealing with righties, who are forced to deal in misdirection since the facts NEVER support their opinions, what I’ve learned, is one must try to pin down one conservative lie at a time before they slither to their next lie to change the subject.
It’s called the One Lie at a Time Project.
or is it just a belligerent opinion that makes no sense whatsoever?
So clever and narcissistic too.
The little guy’s saving us from ourselves just like Prezzie Gaylord…
Do YOU have evidence that Leftist dogma places Muslims “higher on the ladder than women�