Scant Details In Rice Mideast Trip (?)

This is rich

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A goal of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s Middle East trip this week is to win Arab support for a proposed conference on Israeli-Palestinian peace moves, but details for that meeting are scant.

Scant. I notice that al-Reuters, along with the AP and the rest of the media outlets never seem to say the same thing about any of the utterances from the Democrats, either as they bloviate about, well, everything, nor from the presidential contenders.

DES MOINES, Iowa – Democrat Barack Obama cast himself Saturday as the leader the United States needs for it to stand up to and engage renegade nations such as North Korea.

‘We need a president who’ll have the strength and courage to go toe to toe with the leaders of rogue nations, because that’s what it takes to protect our security," the Illinois senator told Democrats at a rally. "That’s what I’ll do as your next commander in chief."

I’m missing the part that has, you know, details. And, yes, it is from the AP, but, this is what we get from all of them, don’t we?

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One Response to “Scant Details In Rice Mideast Trip (?)”

  1. John Ryan says:

    The media is always sooo unfair to Republicans. If only more people would watch Fox and read right wing newspapers.
    It sort of makes you question whether people really want to hear right wing slanted news doesn’t it ?
    How have the crazy/nutty/dope addeled/dirty hippies/communisys been able to manage this feat ?
    Is it ………….
    Satan ? Has Satan allied himself with the Democrats ?

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