But not too soon, because then people would shortly realize they are all doom mongers, snake oil salesmen, and charlatans
Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries
The nations of the world agreed years ago to try to limit global warming to a level they hoped would prove somewhat tolerable. But leading climate scientists warned on Tuesday that permitting a warming of that magnitude would actually be quite dangerous.
The likely consequences would include killer storms stronger than any in modern times, the disintegration of large parts of the polar ice sheets and a rise of the sea sufficient to begin drowning the world’s coastal cities before the end of this century, the scientists declared.
“We’re in danger of handing young people a situation that’s out of their control,†said James E. Hansen, the retired NASA climate scientist who led the new research. The findings were released Tuesday morning by a European science journal, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. (snip)
The basic claim of the paper is that by burning fossil fuels at a prodigious pace and pouring heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, humanity is about to provoke an abrupt climate shift.
Specifically, the authors believe that fresh water pouring into the oceans from melting land ice will set off a feedback loop that will cause parts of the great ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica to disintegrate rapidly.
So, the typical doom from members of the Cult of Climastrology. But, only to the point of being a page A11 article in the NY Times. I guess doom sooner isn’t that big of a deal anymore. Anyhow, it’s a good thing Mr. Hansen isn’t taking fossil fueled flights all over the world to protest ‘climate change’ and demand that Other People Do Something…..oh, wait, right. He does.
This next part is interesting, though
“Some of the claims in this paper are indeed extraordinary,†said Michael E. Mann, a climate scientist at Pennsylvania State University. “They conflict with the mainstream understanding of climate change to the point where the standard of proof is quite high.â€
Goodness. If it is too extreme for Michael “Hockey Schtick” Mann, kinda tells you something about how un-scientific this has all become.

Was it The Pause that made Feb the hottest month ever ?
Teach: You are just another ignorant and belligerent science Denier. A dime a dozen in Republican circles.
Some things are actually facts. The Earth is warming rapidly and the cause is CO2 added to the atmosphere by we humans. Hansen’s computer modeling (which is described in the scientific paper) suggests the downstream effects are likely worse than experts previously thought.
Professor Mann points out that Hansen’s conclusions differ from the current consensus (hence, the controversy over the scientific paper). Let’s hope Professor Mann is more right than Dr. Hansen.
Teach, who knows nothing about what he types, types:
What are your arguments with the specific study?
“Hansen’s computer modeling” is bullshit. It has yet to predict anything correctly.
Even Hansen’s former boss thinks he’s a liar.
As for insulting our host, seems that’s all you’ve got – insults and lies.
James Hansen, the same clown who in the late 80’s predicted that the Westside Hwy. in Manhattan would be under water but now. Yah, he’s believable
“By now”
John-do you think February was hotter than July? If so, you may be a climate astrologer
Bring it on Hansen-I sell houseboats on the east coast of Florida!
-there goes that nutty little guy again who exaggerates often confusing facts with assumptions
Hansen made the exact same claims in 1988. Rinse, recycle, collect grant money, repeat.
To borrow a line from Steven Goddard, “It takes a very special brand of stupid to believe that February is the hottest month” EVER

That would be our John. Hansen, from 1986 ” floods, droughts, human misery and if not checked eventual extinction of the human species.” And in 1988 said hurricanes would be 40-50% stronger. This climate clown has no shame.
hankm typed:
It’s always projection. Every post he makes is insulting and dishonest.
This Steven Goddard? Or do you have a dumb friend Steven Goddard who says stupid stuff.
August 15, 2008
Steven Goddard Published an article titled “Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered†in The Register. Goddard claimed that the National Snow and Ice Data Center plot of the extent of Arctic Sea Ice was wrong. However, on August 25, Goddard retracted his claim, saying that “… it is clear that the NSIDC graph is correct, and that 2008 Arctic ice is barely 10% above last year – just as NSIDC had stated.â€
I s’pose February could be the hottest month ever in Australia!
Amazingly, the Southern Hemisphere makes up half the Earth!
Amazingly, there are hardly any land temp sensors in the Antarctic!
And yet the Earth is still warming rapidly! Arctic ice is melting; the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are melting; sea level is rising; all without as many thermometers in Antarctica as j desires!
How many thermometers are needed in Antarctica to make the Arctic sea ice not melt?
And yet it’s not warming rapidly because you don’t have anything with comparable data to compare it to. But nice try, again. “How many thermometers are needed in Antarctica..”? Many, many more to be able to say with a straight face that “X” month was .01 degrees warmer than it has been in the past. Again, thanks for asking. Arctic, Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets have all melted in the past long before J’s SUV helped ruin the planet. Same with sea level. So again, nothing but hyperbole.